Chapter 1

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Crystal Collins

I stared at the text message once more, reading it over and over for what felt like a thousand times. It was a text I received just days ago from a guy named Corey. He was a guy from high school that gawked over me every chance he got, but I hardly ever gave the time of day.

He was a nice guy, but he just wasn't my type.

I was too busy stuck on stupid over a guy named Rakim. Rakim Mayers to be exact. The world knew ASAP Rocky, but I knew Rakim. It was just something about the head full of hair on his head that he usually had kept in french braids, and his perfect set of teeth that he had kept away in a row of golds - which I hated.

He acted one way in the streets with his 'niggas', but was a complete gentleman to me - and it didn't take long for me to realize that I was beginning to fall. And we went through the 'cupcake phase' just like every other couple did.

But it all quickly came crashing down, along with a son that looks just like him.

Now here I was. Sitting on the edge of my bed trying to find my next fix. I was never a heavy drinker or smoker, so it wasn't my ideal way of having 'company'. I found company in other men, in hopes of filling his absence.

The last two, Justin and Gerald, whom I met at a bar last weekend, gave me what I needed, but of course - it was only temporary. Just like my next fix would be.

I stared at the text message from Corey again.

It was the last message between us in a conversation we had just a few days prior. He told me to not hesitate to call him if I ever needed anything. I hesitated of course, but decided to give him a call.

Luckily, he picked up.

"Hello?" he answered in a groggy, but somewhat surprised voice.

He sounded as if he was asleep and I had just woke him up.

"Are you sleep? I'm sorry if I called at a bad time."

"Nah, nah," he quickly replied, sounding more awake and happy. "What's up beautiful?"

"I need company. Just somebody to vent to - that's all."

"My door is always open. I'll text you my address."

"Alright, thanks."

With that, I hung up the phone as I grabbed a light jacket and a pair of boots. Luckily, me and Rakim's son, Cameron, was spending the night at my friend Chanel's with her son.

Corey had sent me the address to his home the moment I locked up the house. I hopped in my car faster than I could probably even blink, and was on my way. I truly did need someone to vent to, but it wasn't the only thing I needed.

I needed company in more ways than one.

Once at his home, I quickly made my way out of my car, locked up, and up the driveway of his home. He opened the door within the second knock, and sported nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. He didn't hesitate to let me in, embracing me in a warm hug that I certainly needed.

Once inside, he offered me a seat on his couch as he grabbed us a bottle of Hennessy, pouring us both a glass. He somehow got me to talk about everything that was on my mind, which made me feel a lot better. Soon enough, the alcohol began to settle in as we were now beginning to get on the same page.

Understanding that I didn't want to talk about my problems anymore, he laid me down on the couch as he caressed my thighs. I was already beginning to feel relaxed as he planted soft kisses along my neck. A small breath escaped my lips as his hands began to fiddle under my shirt.

After awhile, he decided to carry me upstairs before continuing.

After carefully laying me back down, our clothes quickly began to peel off. He caressed every inch of my body, staring in awe for a while - most likely at the fact that he had me in such a way without me fighting it - before retrieving a condom. It was opened and slipped on within a matter of seconds as he slowly began to make his way inside me.

He started with slow, but deep strokes as my legs quickly began to quiver. I gasped as his lips found their way back to my neck, and he placed my legs over his shoulders. Picking up his pace, multiple moans began to fly from my lips.

"Oh fuck," I cried. "I -"

"Ms. Collins?" a voice suddenly called.

I blinked as I realized where I was.

I was in the waiting room of the counseling services office. Another flashblack. I took a deep breath, collecting myself and my thoughts before grabbing my bag, and meeting the therapist.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Evans. I'll be the one working with you," the therapist introduced them self.

The therapist was a slim but built african american man who looked to stand 6'2. He wasn't bad looking either. But I had to remember what I was here for.

He extended his hand, which I reluctantly took as I greeted him with a hand shake, introducing myself as well.

"I'm Crystal, Crystal Collins."

He smiled as he nodded his head.

"I was calling your name for what felt like forever. I wasn't sure if you were here. Daydreaming about how better life will be after therapy perhaps?" he chuckled.

"Yeah," I managed to chuckle. Yeah.

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