PART 1: Living a Bronze Life

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Aaron wakes up to something vibrating under him. It's his phone. His cue to wake up. He takes a shower and brushes his teeth before anyone else can,and he gets ready for the day. He makes everyone's breakfast, knowing everyone's picky ways. Alex doesn't like his cereal hard,Mariah barely eats anything because she claims it makes her fat,and Andrew doesn't like his cereal before milk. He sighs,thinking about how unnecessarily difficult his family is. He then takes on his daily duty of waking everyone up. Alex takes the longest to get up. No amount of shaking or pushing can wake him up, but he always seems to be the first in the bathroom. Andrew practically runs down stairs when he's woken up. He normally shovels food in his mouth,which Aaron tells him not to do but he doesn't like to listen. Before Aaron can even get downstairs,Andrew's gone and in the bathroom. Alex comes down stairs with no shirt on. A usual for him.
"Alex,put a shirt on" Aaron says without even looking up. He knows his brother well enough to know he definitely doesn't have a shirt on.
"Fine" Alex lets out a small murmur under his breath. It doesn't really doesn't bother Aaron. He knows he has to do it,so what does a few opinions matter. He starts to think about what it would be like if he didn't have to do it. If mom and dad were still here,If foster parent didn't neglect them. He doesn't have time to wonder,he only had time to take care of others.

Mariah loves taking her sweet time in the bathroom. She's a freshman and looks are everything to her right now. Alex is a junior and looks are still everything to him. Aaron could care less. He was there to learn and get out of his bad living situation. Andrew was still in fourth grade,and excited to go to school. That's something that the other three had long grown out of. They all dread going to that hellhole called high school. Even though the year just started,they already hate it. They gave them a pile of homework,and it's only the second week. The school bus pulls up outside. All four kids swing on their book bag and run out the door. Aaron helps Andrew on the bus and almost misses his. He gets on the bus and plugs his headphones in and drowns in his music.

Aaron was in his own little world when some one scoots beside him and flicks his earphones out.
"What's up man" It was Kian. Aaron's best friend since the orphanage. He knew Aaron's struggles and Aaron knew his.
"Woah,new hair color. Ms. Janice let you do that?"
"Of course, her hair is light pink" Kian says this nonchalantly and puts his hands behind his head. Ms.Janice is who took Kian in. She's pretty cool and has no real rules. She thinks that no ones creativity should be limited. That's why Kian loves her. Not only did she adopt him but she lets him be him. Kian is a free spirit.
"Don't relax, you know you have to finish the math homework" Aaron gives him the look.
"I rather take a zero"
"I'm sure you would rather have your PlayStation taken away to"
"Crap" Kian scrambles to open his book bag. Aaron hands him the worksheet.
"Thanks" Kian says and snatches the paper out of Aaron's hand. He scribbled the answers on the paper. He shoves everything in his book bag just in time to get off the bus. They walk to class together. Coincidentally they have a class together. Alex says his goodbyes to the two and goes with some of his jock friends. Alex has a easier time making friends then Aaron. Aaron and Kian both no he's going to skip at least one block today. Aaron's dreading the class that he skips,because the teachers love to punish him for his brothers mistakes. Kian three rows away from Aaron. Aaron starts examining the room and notice a girl who's not talking to the others.

That girl's name was Veronica Merrell. She wasn't talking to the other girls because she was tired of their drama. All they talked about was how cute the boys had gotten over the summer. Veronica think some of the boys are cute,but not worth tripping head over heels for. None of the girls care about the guys personalities,and neither do the guys. They'll play any girl they can get. Girls batting their eyelashes and twirling their hair for some guy who's just going end up using them and stripping them of their dignity,all for them to do it again. Just thinking about makes her roll her eyes. She has nothing else do so she looks around the room. She sees this dude who doesn't look familiar. He's mouthing words to his friend,who also doesn't look familiar. It's just one of the new kids. She pulls out her notebook with it's decorated cover. It has Purple Hearts and little hedgehogs on it. She looks at the girl beside her who's swooning over some guy. She has pictures of all the cute celebrities that the girls talk about. Veronica bet once the camera turns off they're all jerks.
"Can I have your attention please?" The teacher yells while hitting a long yard stick on her desk. Everyone let's out a small groan.
"Welcome to your first day of the second week of school" The teacher say a little to excitedly "As your home room teacher,I have taken on the responsibility to set your mood for the day. Let's make this the best block. That means,when I ask you to be quiet,be quiet. No but,no cuts,no coconuts. I will allow you to be on your phone. This means music only. The moment I see someone off task I will take their phone. I will clap when it's time for me to talk,this means take you earphones out and listen. Now,open your computers and go to the PowerPoint I shared. Copy down the notes on our first English lesson in your notebooks" Everyone pops in their headphones. Veronica was going to mess with some people and Airdrop some pics of random notes to confuse people. She finds a funny picture and goes to Airdrop it to her friend,but accidentally sends it to the new kid. She scrambled to find his number and apologize.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to send you that.
No problem,but who is this
Oh,it's the girl on the end seat,five rows be hind you.
Aaron turns around and waves. This make Veronica smile. They end up texting each other for the rest of class. She agrees to show him the tricks and trades of the school, being that it's his first year here. They're both praying that class ends early. Veronica thinks to herself.
"Not gonna lie he's kinda cute" Aaron is thinking the same.

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