Part 37: Questionings

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Sherry is pleased to hear that answer from Mariah and Alex. She doesn't think it doing them any good by staying here. It's to emotionally scarring. As the siblings go to get ready to leave and tell Aaron that they're leaving the hospital Lear calls. He requests that Kian and Luke come with them. Luke is close to being cleared from the hospital so that shouldn't be a problem and Kian is always happy to help with the case so they both agree. Sherry gives Lily a cal to let her know that she's going to have to sign Luke out since she is his legal guardian. She immediately gets in her car and drives there to sign all the paperwork. She's happy to help and she knows he's ready to get out. She's ready to have her baby home.

Police cars cars me to escort everyone. They separate into groups. It's suspicious if they all go together. The groups are decided by convenience. Mariah has to take Malaya, so she wraps her up into a blanket. It's slightly raining outside because of the spring weather. She holds Malaya closer to her. She drapes another blanket overtop of both her and Malaya just to make sure she doesn't want her to get wet. She doesn't have a car seat for Malaya yet so she slides into the car. Luke rides with her. He moves into the car. He can put weight in his leg. It's not to painful and he can move it fairly well. He has a brace on, so he slowly limps to the car. He occasionally uses one crutch but he's mostly independent. Mariah lays all the blankets she can possibly find, out on the back of the police car seat. She lays one on top of the seat in the middle of her and Luke. She stuffs pillows and blankets all around making it almost like room. She places Malaya in the center. She protected, but just to make sure Luke straps a seatbelt across the room like area. They're super protective of Malaya. It's not even like they're teen parents. They were in such an unpredictable situation but they're making it work.

Ms. Troung rides with Sherry. They're in the same sort of situation. They don't really have a place of what happened that night, but they were affected by it. Their kids and the people they care about were hurt that night making it so that that got hurt to. They can't testify or do anything to get the justice that the kids deserve. All they can do is sit there and have a positive attitude and help the kids through it. Sitting back and being quiet through it is hard knowing that they have no say in the event but that's the only thing that they can do. At least the have each other to talk about it and relate to about it.

Kian and Alex ride together. All though they have had their differences in the past but everything sort of brought them together. Kian has noticed a complete change in Alex's attitude. He become more serious and realized that not everything is not a joke. Kian loves Alex like his own brother and he is soon to actually be his own brother. It's crazy how they ended up here and why they ended up here. It's strange how they've been "brothers" their whole lives but it's just now becoming official. Since they've been that close their whole lives Kian knows when something's wrong with Alex. He looks bothered. That's the exact look that he has on now. Kian looks over at him and mouthed "what's wrong". Alex mouths back "just nervous". Kian reads his lips and sticks his hand out for a handshake. It's seems a little weird in the moment but Kian knows what he's doing. He's been in that situation, so having a familiar handshake is just reassuring. Everything new is going on, so having something old is just like a breath of fresh air. Alex looks at Kian's hand a little confused and he hesitantly sticks his hand out. The do their secret handshake that they've been doing since they were little. When Alex pulls his hand away he notices he's weirdly calmer.

Another police car comes to pick up the girls from the Merrell house. All three of them get in the car and look around as they sped off. They watch as the houses pass. The windows are so tinted that everything looks gray, dark, black, and bland. It's a little depressing, especially with the rain falling. The officer that's driving them turns on the sirens. The cars part like the Red Sea around them. The officer asks them to sink down in their seats for extra protection. People have the tendency to scan the police car to see if they can see inside. Normally this wouldn't bother the police because the people that are riding with them are criminals but this is different. They don't want them to be seen because they're an easy target. The whole reason the shooting happened was because of revenge. Now that the three suspects are dead, the police know that who ever is left of the gang is going to do what ever it takes to get back at them. That's why they want to keep everything in secrecy. Safety of everyone is more important than popularity.

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