Part 27: Call 911!

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Mariah is upset. She wants to go to the factory with everyone but she's heavily pregnant and that's dangerous to her and the baby. She's been feeling contractions lately but she hasn't told anyone because she's scared. She doesn't want anyone else to find out. She doesn't want her whole family to be broken apart because of her. She deals with the pain and she tries to plan out what she's going to do if she gives birth today. She decides that she'll cross that bridge when she gets to it. Right now she has to deal with the pain.

Today they're going to the factory. Alex and Aaron have made up for the sake of it. They don't want to be fighting while the search through the factory. That might be the only place that they can find more about their parents. They're both nervous but ready. They're ready to get some answers. Some well deserved answers. They've been waiting for years to find out what truly happened to parents. They're still nervous as hell. The building had been through a fire so they know it's going to be rickety. This just screams danger but they have to do it. For their parents.

Roni knows how much this means to Aaron. That's one reason why she's doing this. She knows how it feels to be restless about your parents death. She knows how it feels to want answers. Yeah, she does have her doubt, but she's doing this for multiple reasons. She thinks about Mariah, whose had to grow up without a mother. It's been hard on her, especially during this time. She doesn't have anyone to walk her through what she's feeling. She needs someone who's been pregnant before. Roni thinks about Alex who has had so much anger and aggression because he can't be the regular teen that he wants to be. She thinks about Andrew who hasn't been able to grow up with parents and can't live a regular childhood. She thinks about Aaron who hasn't had a real childhood and never will. He's spent all his life taking care you people when he really needs to take care of himself. Lastly, she thinks about her own mother. The person who started this mess. She hates that she's her daughter. She hates being related to her bro she has to deal with all the mistakes and problems that she left behind. She feels some type of responsibility in hundreds of people's death. She feels horrible that her own mother caused all this pain. In a sense, she feels like she has to make it up to people. That's part of the reason why she's doing this.

Gray and E feel kind of missed placed. They don't know what their role in this is. They're not as tight with everyone but they're still really close friends. They don't want to decline and seem rude and they're actually happy to help. They know what it's like to lose a parent after their dad died. They want to be there for whoever they can be there for.

Luke is the most nervous out of everyone. He had a lot riding on today. If he gets hurt it's not a good thing. He's about to be a dad in a couple of day and he wants to be at his full potential for the baby. He's also nervous because no matter how how much she tries to hide it, he knows Mariah is going through contractions at that the baby could be here any minute now. He doesn't want to miss the delivery or making sure Mariah is ok. He knows that she's been stressing out over where and how she's going to deliver the baby. He wants to be there to help with that. He prays that he comes out with minor scratches and bruises and not major things.

James is excited. It sounds weird when he thinks about it. It's a wrong time to be excited over something, but he loves escape rooms and this is a lot like that. They're trying to find clues to help them. He's all for a little danger and a little puzzle. A plus side is that he'll be helping his friends too. It's a win win situation.

Andrew feels left out. He always watching videos about adventures and he wants to go on one of his own. He heard that the group is going on an adventure and he wants to go to. He already knows that if he asks it's going to be a no. They won't even let Mariah go and she's way older than him. He knows that if a grown up like Mariah can't go, he can't go either. He's been brainstorming ways to go all day. He hasn't found a solid plan but he will by the time it's time to go.

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