Part 34: Aaron meets Malaya

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The question is awkward. Alex doesn't know how to answer. He can't sugar coat it. He just doesn't like saying the words out of his mouth. It's like he's accepting it and he doesn't want to accept it.

"Aaron, I can't say it. I'm not going to say it. If I accept he'll be gone forever. My memories of him are going to be gone. I know if I accept it he'll be gone forever." Alex says

"Alex, you're going to have to accept it one day. If you don't it's going to weigh on you for your whole life. You're going to give yourself a false reality. Something that's not really there. I'm struggling to accept it to." Aaron says. His voice cracks. There's a giant lump in his throat. "I-I miss him. I'll always miss him. H-he was a light in a dark place. It was like we drew the world and he made it brighter. He was angel and that's why he's gone. He was to good for this world. He didn't deserve to be here. The world was to harsh for him. He was to puts to be here." Aaron struggles to say this. He can feels the tears run down his hot cheeks. He knows they're probably red. He doesn't remember the last time he's cried like this. Yeah, when he and Roni broke up he cried, but this is a different cry. This is an uncontrollable cry. He sniffles and puts his head back. It's like he thinks it's going to stop him from crying.

"A-are you crying?" Alex asks. His voice started to shake.

"Don't act like you aren't either, tough guy" Aaron teases as he sniffles up his tears. Alex smiles and laughs.

"I missed you man." Alex says.

"I missed you to little bro" Aaron says. No matter how much they get on each other's nerve they still love each other no matter what and they really did miss each other.

Luke looks at Malaya. He's in love with her. Of course he sees Tyler in her, but that doesn't matter. He just can't stop admiring her. Her beady little eyes started to open over times. Now they're eyes are wide and bright. Her black irises glimmer when she looks at Luke. Her tiny little nose perfectly fits her face. It's centered on her round, dumpling shaped face. Her cheeks blush to a light pink and when Luke brings her close to his face her long eyelashes give him butterfly kisses. He gives her kisses all over her face as he watches her full little lips turn up into a smile. The smell of the baby products in her fill his nose. It's a sweet but fresh smell. A smell that you only get from babies. He continues to play with her as he falls deeper in love with her.

Sherry is off the walls excited for Mariah to come live with her. She's always wanted a girl. Someone she could talk about hair, fashion, nails, and boys. She wants to hear those little conversations and she wants to help her with the little petty girl dramas. She can't wait to help her decorate her room and and help her decorate Malaya's room. She knows that Kian is going to treat Mariah just like a sister. He always has. Guys have always been a no go with him. Sherry remembers the day that the Burriss family moved next door. She had heard all the news about how the parents had won the house in some bidding type of deal. She heard about how the parents had died unexpectedly and the kids were adopted. She remembered when Kian looked over when he was playing outside and saw Aaron. He hadn't seen Aaron in years. They reunited and from that moment on they kept being best friends. That seems like just yesterday when it was a whole year ago. She can't believe all these things went down next door and she had no idea. She wishes she had of known. The kids were so well mannered that no one would ever guess. Kian always hung out with them and he said nothing. She guesses that he was just trying to protect is friends. In the end she's so glad that they're ok and that she knows what they're going to safe with her and Lear. She wishes she could've helped Andrew. He was to young to be gone this early. She prays for the kids everyday. They've been through a lot and they're going to keep going through a lot. None of this is just going to disappear overnight. She going to help them get through it.

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