Part 17: Heart to Heart Conversations

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Aaron spits out his water. Kian and Alex automatically get up and put on their coats. They're ready to fight Tyler.

"Guys Wait, stop please don't. He doesn't deserve it. It'll start more drama and problems" Mariah begs. They don't listen they go out the door slamming it behind them. Mariah starts crying for the third time that day. Who can blame her? Aaron sits beside her.

"Are you mad?" She asks through sniffles.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm a little disappointed, but I still love you no matter what. Now I'm about to join Alex and Kian, cause I'm about to beat Tyler's ass." He walks out and slams the door.

"Luke you stay here and calm her down, we're going after them" Luke nods. Nessa and Roni run to the car. They start the engine and zoom off. They pull up at Lauren's house. They ring the doorbell. Lauren answers.

"Get in, no time to explain" Roni says. Lauren shrugs and gets in the car. They pull up at the park where the boys knew Tyler would be. Mariah has stressed the fact that he goes there whenever something stressful is happening. Sure enough, he's there taking his walk. They here doors slam and they know it's the boys. They run up to them.

"Aaron stop!" Roni yells

"Kian it's not worth it!" Nessa hollers

"Alex please don't do it!" Lauren begs. This makes everyone turn around.

"L-Lauren why are you here?" Alex stutters.

"To stop you" She turns around to Aaron and Kian. "I get that part of this situation, but I rather make it right. It's not worth fighting him. I get that you're hurt but think about Mariah and the baby. She wouldn't want you guys to do it. What if he wants to be in the child's life?" Roni and Nessa want to say that he doesn't want anything to do with the kid, but that'll make the situation worse and you never know, he might change his mind.

"Baby I understand how much you love Mariah, but you can't do this. You'll get kicked out of everything. It could get you caught. You guys could get separated if you get caught. Please don't do it" This is the first time Roni's ever called him baby. She grabs his hand and looks at him with her puppy eyes. Aaron looks over at Kian who just finished getting a lecture from Nessa. Alex looks at them and all three of them sigh at the same time. Aaron wraps his hand around Roni's since she already holding his and he says "Fine" the girls take a breath of relief and give the guys a hug.

"Let's go home and talk this out with Mariah" Kian suggests. Lauren looks visibly nervous by this idea, but she tags along.

"He don't be nervous, if Alex forgives you, we forgive you. I think you helped Mariah dodge a bullet. Without you, she would still be in that relationship, which was not good for anybody" Aaron tells Lauren. She smiles and so does Roni and Alex. Alex thought that Aaron would be the first person mad about their friendship, but it turns out that he was the first person to support it. Roni's smiling because of how big Aaron's heart is. She knows he really wants to hurt Tyler, to be honest she does too, but he gave it up and he accepted Lauren too. What more could she ask for in a boyfriend?

Wendy leaves out of town, she has to. The nagging feeling of her girls disappointment is getting to her. She needs some time away. A long time. The police shouldn't be back to search for clues any time soon, so she's off the hook with that. She just needs to get away. She runs her hands through her closet. She grabs random outfits that might not even match. She doesn't care, she has to leave. She grabs whatever she can and go's, before anyone can see her. She takes a lot of money. She drives to the airport and buys last minute tickets to who knows where. She doesn't rest until she's on the plane with everything covered.

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