Part 36: No Life Or Life In Prison

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It's like the whole hospital gasps when they hear the gunshots.

"Why does everything have to end in gunshots?!" Roni begs. She's been scared of loud noises and guns for awhile now. They've taken to much from her. The helicopter moves in the center of the circle that the police made around the suspects. The camera man zooms in. They see a body drop. The gunshots continue and they see all the three bodies drop. The see two other officer fall to the floor. A whole bunch of yelling starts. Police are calling ambulances and other things. Some of the officers that aren't calling for help circle in on the four suspects. With guns still pointed they flipped the ones that fell face first over. When they're positive that the guy won't grab his weapon, they check their pulse.

"He's out" One Officer says

"So is he" the other officer says

"He has a slow pulse but it doesn't look like he'll have it for long" the last officer says.

"It's sad that it had to end this way" one officer says in the distance.

"Those kids and their parents will never get justice for the awful crime that these guys committed" not long after they looked for a pulse, detectives arrived to put the bodies in bodies bags. They carry the bodies away. Both of the cops still had a pulse and a potential to live. They'll get the news on them later. The helicopter stops recording and cuts back to the news room where the anchor is watching this unravel.

"Wow. Like I said view discretion is advised. If the victims of the shooting are watching, from this news station we want to tell you that we're here for you. We're praying for you and we hope that you get help. This has been your afternoon news. We'll see you later tonight." The anchor says. Roni grabs the remote and turns the TV off. No one knows what to say. They stay in the same position they were in when the TV was on. It's almost like it was never turned off. They don't react because they don't know how to. All of a sudden almost all of them start silent crying. Still looking at the screen but they're silent crying. Tears streaming down their cheeks. Malay stats of the real crying. Ever since she's heard Mariah yells when the man pulled out a gun she's wanted to cry. She lets it out when she sees everyone else cry. That's something babies do all the time. Mariah rocks her through her tears.

"It's *sniffle* ok I'm right *sniffle* here" Mariah says. She tries to comfort Malaya the best she can. Luke takes Malaya even though he's crying. He knows it hurts Mariah worse. Luke is more upset than mad. Those are the who almost took it all from him. Those are the that took the experience of watching his little angel being born from him. Those are the people that caused him and his family and friends a world wind of hurt. Now they're dead. He would rather have them rot in a jail cell then have the privilege of dying knowing what they did.

Alex immediately calls Kian. Kian has to knows. He stumbles to find Kian's contact. He's so shaken up. He just saw another three people get shot dead in front of his eyes. He barely can't get the memory of the factory out of his head now he has this to add to it, great.

"Hello?" Kian says.

"Did you see the news?!" Alex asks.

"No, and are you safe? You sound a little frantic." Kian asks. Alex seems like he's running from a mass murder because he talking so fast and sounds like he's stunned.

"I'm safe but where are you. Don't answer that, just come to the hospital. ASAP!" Alex says. He hangs up the phone. Kian heard the phone beep off. He looks at it when he takes it from his ear. He sighs. "Here we go again" he thinks to himself. He left because he was overwhelmed now he's going to have to go through it all again. He thinks about it. It could be a dire situation. That's when he hurried and grabs his keys and hurries to leave.

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