Part 46: A Birthday That You'll Never Forget

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Lear decided not to tell the kids that that's where their parents are buried. They looked so peaceful and they had a piece of them fore filled when they finally talked to Andrew at his grave. He didn't know how the kids would react, so he didn't want to ruin the moment. He does plan to tell Aaron on his birthday. He feels like it's his right. He wants Aaron to tell Mariah and Alex because he would know how they would react. He hopes Aaron appreciates it.

Everyone wants to make Aaron's birthday perfect. He always tells them not to be extra on his birthday. He thinks there's no need to do all that but with all he's done for them they can't just give him a happy birthday message. It has to be big. Plus it's his 18th birthday. It's a major milestone. They don't know about a party. He has to be in a mood for a party. Right now just doesn't seem like the time. No one really feels like a party right now. They're still in the process of healing and recovering so a big part would be a little to overwhelming for everyone. They know how much he loves basketball. They get him tickets to a game and they make him a cake with some cards and money. It's small but if he wants something more then they'll give it to him. They don't know what else to do because it's just been a really long process of healing and it's still happening so they just wanna keep it calm until they know he's ready. Maybe they'll take him to Disney. They know he likes it there but everything is sort of last minute because of the funeral. It's just changed everything because it changed their mindset. They all feel lost but they don't know how to find theirselves no matter how much they want to. They can't help others if they can't help themselves. They hate to say it but they know Aaron will understand. He's always understands. They cancel the game tickets and just plan to give him the cake and the gifts they're going to buy. They feel horrible about it but they don't know what else to do. They're really lost.

Sherry feels really horrible. All theses bad birthdays that Aaron had and the first good one is going to be bad and boring and it's a major milestone birthday. She wants to do more but she doesn't know what he wants. She wishes she did. She's tried to hint at it but Aaron was smart enough to see right through her. His wiseness is a blessing and a curse at the same time. She wants to help but she doesn't know how to. She doesn't want to interfere with the grieving process but she hates seeing them mood around like that. She has to come up with some sort of plan even if it's not fixing Aaron's birthday. She wants to fix the kids attitudes a mindset. She has to push them or they're going to be in that depressive state forever. She racks her mind thinking about it.

Roni just wants to mope around but she knows that she can't. The fact that they just gave up on Aaron's birthday party is weighing on her mind, she just can't do anything. Sadness is holding her down and there's no one there to pick her up. If she gets out she can help everyone else out but she's stuck. She screaming but it's like no one can hear her. She stuck in her own mind. It's like a jail. She wants to know how to get out. She needs to be bailed out. She wants and needs the handcuffs off. She needs to be released from the shackles. She stuck in the quicksand of sadness and she keeps sinking deeper into it. Ever tie she tries to pull out the sand she just gets pulled back down. She's barely even able to get out of bed, let alone leave out the house. She thinks a lot. She always thinks to herself "what stage of grief is this and when is this ever going to end?"

Aaron is dealing with his grief differently. He hasn't had much room to even grieve. He's been having to go through test and treatment. He has only been out of the hospital for a week or two but he had a small little relapse. At least to him, everyone else thought it was a major thing. Two nights after the funeral they were all sitting in the living room. They decided to take a walk. Aaron forgot to stay on his machine. He started walking and kind of got light head. He ignored it and kept walking. After he came inside he sat on the couch. Everyone was sitting close together and Roni, who was sitting closest to him heard and rattling noise. It was like something trapped in Aaron's chest. Aaron started coughing a little. This worried Sherry a lot. She asked him to take off his shirt. She moves closer and listens as his breathes. He reassures her that he's fine but she keeps a close eye on him. He kept breathing like that a coughing until everyone left. He got up and immediately fell back down, all most like he was trying not to faint. Sherry rushes over to him with water. He feels a little bit better after a while. He starts coughing again. He rushes to to bathroom and spits out blood. He keeps going as he coughs. Sherry immediately calls the hospital and they send people over. He's been attached to wires every since. He been placed on bed rest. The monitor his brain movement because of mental therapy and to run tests. Everyone is trying to process every move he makes. They're trying to see his brain activity to know how everything is mentally affecting him. They just want to know what his mind is like. They share it with the world as soon as they get the information. Aaron just feels like lab rat and he hates it. He just wants to rip all of the wires off and leave but that can't happen. His friends haven't visited him and he thinks it because of the test. Their so strict that he can't even eat food. He has to drink the liquids that they give him. They will only let people talk to him through a phone but that's it. He has to either sit there and read or just watch TV. It's so boring and unlike him. Normally he's up running around our at least moving some. It's so unlike him to just be staying still. The bright side to it is that he can catch up on the Netflix shows that he missed. He's watched almost everything on it, including Thomas the train. It was a difficult show to get through but it passed time. He would love to talk to his friends and see how they're doing. He wants to check in his brother and sister and Roni. The last time he checked they were having a hard time. He wonders how they're doing right now. The one thing he doesn't want to do is go see Andrew again. He's not ready yet. The only thing and the best present for his birthday would be to get out of his bed and be free from the public eyes. He knows it not going to happen anytime soon or ever, but a boy can dream right?

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