Part 15: Disapearances and New Fathers

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Aaron knows that last night was rough, do today he makes a huge breakfast. Good always takes people's minds of off things. Last night he was going to tell everyone that he has a basketball game today, but he never got around to it. Neither did Kian. He's mom will still be there. Aaron doesn't have a mom to come cheer him on. He sneaks out to the early practice and grabs his jersey.

Roni and Nessa are just waking up. They make themselves some avocado toast.They set their phones on the table and wait for their call. Every two weeks they get a call or a visit from their dad. They finish they're meal, with no call. They get dressed and they're even about to head out, still with no call. They don't worry though. He normally calls when he visits, but it might be s surprise like last time. They still happy go luckily, go to see Mariah.

Lauren wakes up and still has that lingering feeling. She tries to shake it off, but she really can't help it. She gets ready for cheer with that still on her mind. She drives and keeps feeling Alex crying beside her, she keeps feeling Tyler yelling at her, worst of all she can feel Mariah's heart breaking. Mariah shouldn't have even been dragged in this. She was hurt the most Lauren feels like crying, but she holds it in.

Kian kisses his mom bye, and says he'll see her at the game. He grabs his uniform and runs out the door to hop in Aaron's car. He drops his junk into Aaron's trunk, and the take off the school.

Paul, our favorite kidnapped man, wakes up with his ex wife standing over him. He's been in and out of consciousness for a couple of days now. None of the people who come in and out of the ware house seem to notice he's still alive.

"Oh my dear Pauly, your stick in a little pickle I see" Wendy says and stops her foot inches away from his face. He screams through the duct tape around his mouth. "Oh no body can hear you." She teases. She starts rambling about her life and all of a sudden she says her hitmen didn't do their jobs. " Well I guess if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself." She picks up the gun in her bag and cocks it back. There were two shots that were silenced by the tick warehouse walls and Paul was dead.

Mariah, Alex, and Andrew stumble downstairs, an hour and thirty minutes after Aaron left. They look around for him, but he's no where to be found. They open the door when they hear a knock, but it's the twins. They start helping them look. Roni looks at the kitchen table and sees a little note.
I'm sorry I had to leave without saying goodbye, but I had to go to the game. It started at 9.I left everyone's favorite breakfast food. Roni I left your favorite creamer for your coffee. I'll score a point for you guys!- Aaron

"I feel awful. We missed his first game" Roni says after reading the letter out loud.

"I've never missed one of his games" Mariah says

"I missed Kian's first game too" Nessa drags

"I want to see Aaron score points" Andrew pouts.

"There's no way we can eat, get dressed, and make it there in time. The game only last two hours and it's 10:45" Alex calculates.

"You're right, it take fifteen minutes just to get to school, let alone get dressed. Maybe we can do something for them, so that won't be so disappointed when they home" Roni suggest. She used to be a Debbie Downer, but now even though there're horrible things in laugh, she always looks at the positive.

"Yeah, what's Aaron's favorite food?" Nessa asks

"Ummm, I don't know. He always asks us what we want to eat." Alex says

"It's sushi. Sugarfish in specific" Roni says.

"You do know your boyfriend" Mariah says. Nessa goes to order the sushi. Everyone else eats some of the food on the table. He spent time making it so why not. Nessa orders Kian's favorite food while she's at it. She knows that both she and Kian are bougie and they like to be pampered. She books a massage for him. He hates going alone, so she books one for her self too. Aaron doesn't seem like the type of guy who likes to be pampered, so she doesn't book one for him. Everyone cleans up. Roni knows one of Aaron and Kian's favorite thing to do is play video games, so she lays their controllers out. Nessa tells her to schedule something that Aaron would like them to do together.

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