Part 8: First Day On the Job

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Alex is glad he skipped school. It give him time to reflect on his mistakes. He's trapped in the house because Aaron took the car, so he just relaxes. He watches some Netflix, makes some crazy snacks, and scrolls through hi phone. It's been a pretty great day if you ask him. Except for the mess that he has to avoid.

Lauren walked out of her ex-boyfriend's house at 2 am. She made a total mess of the place. When she goes to find his brother or the rest of his family, they're no where to be found. It's ok. She got all of her anger out for that night. She even got a few forced kisses from Alex. She's ready to walk in the school looking better than ever and feeling better than ever too. She decides she won't torture anyone today. Even savage's need breaks.

This is the first full day that Nessa's been back. When she gets to the school doors she stops in her tracks. She doesn't want to see whats inside. She doesn't want to deal with another scandal.

"It's ok. We all have your back." Kian helps her in.

"Ok. I got this" She walks in confidently, but doesn't feel confident. No matter what outfit she has on it can't beat the fact that something might happen again. She walks to her locker. Nothing happens. No whispers. She walks to her first class nothing happens. She gives Kian a big hug once she leaves her first class.

"Whoa. What's this for?" He hugs her back

"For listening and having my back. Nothing has happened to me so far. Knock on wood. You were right. I just need to take a deep breath and not worry about what other people say"

"I'm glad I can help" Kian has a huge smile on his face. He helped Nessa like he promised he would. He even got closer to her. He would love to start a relationship with her, but he knows it's to soon. He also understands if she doesn't want to. He's just glad to give her a future idea of how someone should treat her.

Aaron and Roni see Kian and Nessa hugging in the hallway.

"Awww. Look at them, being so cute" Roni coos

"I knew he would help her"

"I want a hug now" Roni does a little pouty face. Aaron gives in and gives her a hug. She doesn't want to let go so she puts her feet on top of his and he has to walk down the hallway with her clinging on to him. She can see the jealous look on some of the girls faces, but she ignores them. She feels comfortable right there in his arms. She could care less about anything else.

James hasn't really had a chance to catch up with Roni or whats going on. He notices that she's hanging out with Nessa again, which is weird. He also notices that Aaron's practically carrying her down the hallway on his feet. He laughs. He remembers the days where she was just crushing on him. Now, she's all over him and they're almost a couple.

E notices that Alex isn't here today. He hasn't hung out with him or Gray in awhile. He didn't think breaking into the building was that big of a deal. None of then had any major consequences. E has no idea what could happen if any of the Burriss family gets in any trouble. He decides to call him up after school to see if he wants to play basketball.

Mariah is excited the whole day. She gets to go back home with Roni and Nessa while the boys are at work. They already said that they wanted to touch up their highlights and they knew she was good at doing hair so they asked her to do it. She finally found friends. Who cares if they are her brother and his best friend's girlfriends? She is just glad she can finally get out of the house and talk to other girls. She doesn't have anyone to talk to. Her so called boyfriend doesn't even talk to her. It sucks.

It's been a stressful couple of days for Aaron. He feels good to relax. He glad he can go and work at one of his favorite places. He's glad he can work with his best friend, and he's glad that he can hang out with his girlfriend.

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