Part 9: Long Distance Family Relationships

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"We better get started" Mariah tries to lighten the mood after seeing the email. Everyone agrees and snaps on some gloves that they found under the sink and starts cleaning. They start with all the food products. Alex must've been drunk last night after the fight because there's a lot of beer bottles every where. They're smashed and whole. It's a lot of random wrappers everywhere. Alex drowned his feelings out with food so it explains why there was so much stuff just laying around.

After Aaron realizes that there's a lot of glass on the floor and the mess is dangerous, he carries Andrew in his play room. He goes back downstairs but stops every step to pick up random stuff that's been thrown places. He finally makes it down the stairs. Alex pulls out his speaker and plays some music while they clean.

It's two o'clock in the morning when they finish. Roni, Nessa, and Kian are to tired to go home. Roni accidently left clothes over at Aaron's house, so she has something for school tomorrow. Nessa can borrow whatever she has left. Roni sets out the clothes before she goes asleep even though her eyes are drooping low. She gives Nessa the cuter outfit. She doesn't stress to much about looks and plus she can always just borrow one or Aaron's sweatshirts and wear it as a dress or a top.

When everyone sorts out what's going to happen tomorrow they sit on the couch. They planned on taking showers and actually sleeping good, but they were so tired that they just fell asleep right there. The house is sparkling clean so they feel good when they go to bed that night.

Nessa makes her famous "Throw together breakfast". She hasn't made it since she was five, but she remembers the recipe like the back of her hand. She takes bread and cuts circles out of the center and cracks an egg in it and cooks it. She puts ready made sausage on top of it with tiny quarter size pancakes. She lays out some on paper plates for everyone and washes her dishes. She purposely woke up early to do this and make her self look as best as she can before Alex wakes up. It may seem wrong, but she wants to show Alex what his missing.

Aaron wakes up at his usual time and smells breakfast. "That's weird" He thinks to himself. He looks and sees seven plates worth of food. Nessa isn't laying where she was last night. It must have been her that cooked the food. He goes upstairs and runs into her going into Mariah's room. Mariah slept downstairs so she's not in there.

"Oh hey Aaron" She says

"Hey Nessa. Did you make breakfast?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah. I was up before everyone else so I decided to make some food." Aaron appreciates that. For once he doesn't have to worry about cooking. He thanks her and goes to get ready for school. He goes on with his usual schedule and wakes them up and eats his food as everyone else eats there's too.

The bathroom is pretty crowded today. No one can take the long time that they usually take in there today. They manage to all get dressed and make it on the bus in time still. Instead of Kian sitting beside Aaron, this time it's Roni. Nessa and Kian are in the seat behind them. Some more kids get on the bus so Roni sits in Aarons lap and Nessa sits in Kian's and the share one bench seat.

The bus stops and everyone lines up to get out of the bus. Today is Friday so everyone's talking loudly and plying around. The hallways are booming. There are kids with speakers attached to their book bags with music blasting. The teachers have given up on stopping them. The rules at school are completely abandoned when it comes to Friday. People just do what ever they want, whenever they want to.

The group walks into the door and stands at the start of the hallway. JC, James, E, and Gray end up joining them. Right now, they're the most talked about group in the whole school. From the Nessa and Alex drama, to the two new relationships, to Aaron, Kian, and Alex being new and James's rumored relationship with Gray. They have a lot of stuff going on in their lives and everyone is interested in it.

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