Part 25: Romeo and Juliet?!

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The morning after the party is a little glum. The twins are excited to open their presents but their body is not liking what they did last night. A majority of the group has a hangover. They all walk around with a headache. They know the perfect remedy to a hangover is Ms. Troung's pho. They all walk away in their pjs. They didn't even feel like changing. The most sober one is Mariah, so they have to pile in one car and let her drive.

"Mariah, we're all drunk,I'm begging you, please don't not drive like a lunatic" Luke says

"When have I ever driven like a lunatic?" She asks.

"ALWAYS" Everyone says. She rolls her eyes and goes slower that she usually does and takes the curbs lightly. On the last one, when no ones expecting it, she jerks on the last turn. She hears some gagging, which she's pretty sure was Roni. Luke looks at her and rolls his eyes. She smiles and turns off the car. She takes Andrew out and they walk inside. They immediately orders hot matcha tea and pho. Alex sips his tea with his pinky up. Andrew mocks him with his cup apple juice. Roni looks at him and laughs and Alex sticks his tongue out at him. Mariah tickles his stomach a little.

Andrew is like the little brother that Roni always wished she had. He's like a little ball of joy. He makes her laugh all the time and he's so innocent. He'll love you no matter how bad you mess up. It's like he's an angel to her. She smiles looking at him. He smiles and waves back. Her heart melts.

The flight landed at three this morning. They put Wendy, Diamond, Realeza, and the other guy who killed Paul in separate holding cells until its time to question them. If the guys don't spill the beans they knew that Wendy will. She's a mess right now. She's been crying for hours and slipping in and out of passing out. Officer Lear doesn't know if this is an act that she's putting up or if she's actually remorseful after what she did. They have solid evidence that she did it, so there's no faking that. They keep giving her water and hopes she comes around and confesses.

Officer Lear calls the twins again. It's the morning after and he needs to get in contact with them. This time they actually pick up .

"Hello" He hears Roni say over the phone.

"This is Veronica right?" He asks. Although he's pretty sure that it is her he just wants to be sure.


"Ok, I need you Vanessa, Aaron, and Kian to come to the station as soon as possible. We've found your mom and we have her in custody. We want you to hear her confession and object to anything that's not true." He says. Roni doesn't know how to feel. She's happy that the killers are finally caught and she can finally have the memorial that her dad deserves, but she's sad for some strange reason. No matter how much Wendy neglected her and no matter what theory she had about her being the murderer, she's still her mother. She wouldn't be here without her. She gave birth to her and when they were younger they had a lot of love for each other. Wendy's soft happiness has been scabbed over with hatred and that's what changed her. Roni hates that it had to end like this but where else was the hatred going to lead to. She'll tell everyone after she finishes eating and maybe opening presents. She doesn't feel pressed about it. She has made a decision to stop stressing herself out about this whole situation.

Mariah is so ready. It's almost time. Nine whole months is close to ending. She can't wait to see her little angels face. Of course she's curious about the gender but as long as her baby is healthy she's ok with what ever she gets. Luke is excited too. He feels like this is his child. That's a conversation that he and Mariah have yet to have but they need to. The conversation is about when they will tell the child that Luke is not their real dad. He thinks about this often but doesn't bring it up. He'll do it after breakfast or whenever they have free time.

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