Part 39: Therapy

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FHA Today is filled with therapy. Physical and mental. All the kids have to go through both for a period of time. Aaron, Roni, and Luke have physical today and Alex, Lauren, Kian, Nessa, Mariah, Roni, and Luke have mental today. The only reason that Aaron doesn't have mental is because he hasn't been questioned yet and they want him to let it all out there before he starts psychologically therapy. It's definitely needed for everyone. They've been through a lot and that's not something that people their age, not any age should have to go through. It's going to leave them in a state that's difficult to get out of but with therapy It could help even just a little.

Lear finally has everything set up so the boys can come home. He has some help from Lauren and Nessa. That was a lifesaver. He even finished his speech that he has to repeat to the public about the situation. He started calling it the situation too. It's out of habit. The kids don't feel comfortable talking about it all the time or calling it "the night they were shot" so he started calling it the situation around them so they wouldn't feel uncomfortable. It became a habit and that's what he refers to it as now. He should probably fix that before the speech. He knows almost the whole town is going to be coming to the meeting as well as news reporters, people from out of town, people recording it for people who can't be there, and just people who are interested in what happened. He wonders how the kids will feel about him telling their story. He's sure they would rather do it themselves, but this is the best that can be done right now. He won't give every single detail because he doesn't know every single detail. He wasn't there so he can't exactly say what happened. He'll wait to they're ready to be out in the public so they can explain the full story. Right now the public is totally in the dark and he needs to clear some of it up. He doesn't want them no to know what's going on in their community. He also doesn't want them to feel like their safety is threatened. He stacks his papers and takes them to the car on his way back out to the police station. He takes a deep breath before he enters. He knows that as soon as he gets in there it's going to be pedal to the medal to get everything set up for the meeting later on. Between this, getting ready for parenthood, being accepted by Kian, figuring out the whole case, and his new love life, he everything's been so stressful. He doesn't know if he can do this.

Roni tried to fix her attitude today. She knows that neither Andrew, Aaron, or Paul would want her to have a bad attitude, no matter what she's going through. All of them know how to lighten the mood and make the best out of any situation, so she's going to take a page from their book and try to be positive. She keeps the necklace, bracelet, and the chain on. She doesn't plan on taking them off until Aaron asks for the chain. Even then she doesn't plan on taking off the necklace and the bracelet. She'll just give him the chain with the cross on it but she's keeping everything else. She decides not to put on anything fancy today. She does put on one of her dads TV news stations shirts. It's oversized because it used to be her dad's. She uses it as a dress. She doesn't feel like sitting all proper in a dress so she puts on some small sports shirts that you can't see under it. She throws the outfit on after she takes a shower. She twirls Greg hair up into a bun. It's still a little wet so a little curl pops out in the front. She blows it out of her face as she bandages her arm up again. She sets it up in the sling. She wishes she could just leave the sling and throwing it out of the window. It's so restrictive, but she clicks the buckle across her shoulder anyway and heads downstairs to leave out for therapy.

"Are you ready to go?" Nessa asks after she ties her shoes.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Roni sighs. Nessa swings the keys on her finger and walks out. Roni leaves behind her and locks the door. She sits quietly in the car until Nessa turns on the radio. Some cliche pop song is playing. Nessa immediately turns that off and turns on a song Roni will enjoy. It's Blackpink's Kill This Love. Roni looks over and smiles at Nessa. Nessa turns the radio up and now they're both singing at the top of their lungs. It makes To I feel ten times better about having to go through this and it makes her feel like she's back to the regular old Roni who sings K-pop songs with her sister. She feels like worry free on the way to therapy. It's a feeling that she hasn't felt in awhile.

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