Part 5: Family Arguments

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Last night everyone was tired. They could barely even get their stories out. They were all cold, tired, and scared. Now that they slept on the conversation, there is some more explaining to do. James is still confused about the Burriss family situation. Mariah still doesn't know what happened, but no one wants to keep it a secret from her.

James crawls out the bed. He's way to stressed to put on any makeup. He goes cleaned face to Aaron's house. He needs to talk about the situation more in depth. On the way he picks up some donuts and picks up Roni. He drops of Ian at her house. Nessa is still there. He knows that they're probably a fling for a little while.

Aaron knows that James, Roni, and Kian are on their way. He cleans up the mess that Alex's friends made yesterday and gets dressed. He helps Andrew get dressed and lets him go outside a play with the kids in the neighborhood.

"Do not say anything about your mom and dad, ok?" Aaron squats down to eye to eye level with Andrew to tell him that.

"Ok" He runs outside to his friends from school. Aaron keeps an eye on him from the window.

Mariah comes downstairs. She looks around. The house is cleaner than the last time she saw it. She doesn't know who cleaned it up, but it definitely wasn't Alex's friends. It must have been Aaron. It has a faint smell of alcohol in the room. Mariah lights a candle and sprays some air freshener. She looks around for Aaron.

"Aaron, I think Alex and his friends had some alcohol last night!" She yells

"I know. I deal with it" He walks up to her. "Roni, James, Alex, Kian, and I have something to tell you"

"What is it?"

"I'll just wait until they get here to tell you"

"Oh their coming over. Let me get dressed" Mariah runs upstairs to get ready. Aaron knocks on Alex's door. All he gets back is a small groan.

"You're hung over aren't you?"


"Well laying there isn't going to help. Get up and shower and eat. I'll have an Advil and water laying out for you on the kitchen table. You'll be ok"

"Ughhhhhhhhhh" Alex rolls out of his bed and picks himself off the floor. He makes it to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. He looks like a zombie. His hair is all over the place, he has dark circles under his eyes, he's skin is ten times paler than usual. He just looks a mess. He feels a mess too. He wonders what got into him. Honestly he doesn't know why he would get drunk, knowing that he would end up like this in the morning. He groggily stumbles into the shower. He changes into the most comfortable clothes he can. He walks almost like a zombie downstairs. He tries to look at his phone, but the light is literally blinding him. He puts the phone down quick and just downs the water and the Advil that Aaron left out for him. He flops on the couch and closes his eyes. This headache is killing him. He waits patiently and braces himself for the next wave of trouble he's going be in.

Aaron peeks out the window at Andrew. He's happily playing with his friends. Aaron keeps the door open just in case he needs to come in. Alex is almost passed out on the couch. he decides not to mess with him this time. He doesn't look to well. He should have thought about that when he went and got drunk with his friends. Aaron does feel kinda bad foe him though. He knows his mom and dad's death was hard on him. He also knows that him stopping him from doing certain teenager stuff with his friends is hard on Alex. He never thought about it this way. He decides to loosen up on him.

Nessa decides to tag along. Her and Roni have been getting closer. James, not so much. She kind outed to everyone that he was gay before he was ready to tell anyone. She never really formally apologized. She's always been mean. Well, ever since her parents divorced. Not seeing either one of her parents on a regular basis has really taken a toll on her. She's trying to clean up her act. It's not like she likes that everyone's hates her. It's not likes she likes sleeping with everyone, but she just spiraled out of control. She never intended it to go this far. She wanted it to be a simple little thing to maybe trick her parents to get back together. Before everyone judges her, she wants them to take a step into her brain.

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