Condition Terminal Part 3

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It was a quiet, but short walk to the library, and I headed for our usual table. I walked up seemingly just after Stiles and Malia did. Scott and Kira were already waiting there, homework on the table in front of them.

"Did you get in to see Lydia?" Scott asked Stiles.

"No. I tried using my free period but she's still in the ICU and no one outside of family is allowed to see her. Is that blood?" Stiles changed the topic quickly, pointing at my hands. I glanced down at them.

"Oh, no. I-It's paint," I answered, wiping them on my jeans like that would help at all.

"Since when do you paint?" he asked, squinting in confusion.

"Since today," I snapped. A silence fell over us, and my lips pulled into a knot, not daring to be the first one to break. Malia sighed with sad eyes that said exactly how she felt about this whole interaction. She plopped a thick green book onto the table.

"But we got one thing," she said. It was the bestiary. Scott had said something earlier about needing it. Deaton apparently talked to Scott and Kira last night. He said one, that he was going away, and two, that he was scared. Whatever Tracy was, whatever Blue is, they're not just one thing. They're a mixture. Tracy was a Kanima and a werewolf. Blue was a Garuda.

But the kicker was they weren't natural, not even in supernatural terms. Deaton believed they weren't bitten or born, they were made. Which meant there was some whack job scientist out there trying to build their own supernatural creature, and this creature defied the supernatural laws. They were unnatural, and that's how they could cross over Mountain Ash. If I wasn't worried before, I definitely was now because I knew those things I saw weren't a coincidence.

"Anything in here about half-werewolves, half-Kanimas?" Kira asked.

"The Chimera," Scott muttered.

"What?" I frowned. I had looked through that book three times. I didn't remember seeing anything in there about Chimeras. Scott looked up at me like he was snapping out of a trance.

"Chimera. It's a creature made of incongruous parts," he explained. "And if Liam said he found two burial sites, it means Tracy's not the only one."

"Who's the second Chimera?" Kira wondered.

Stiles added, "And why would they bury them?"

"Deaton thinks it's part of their process," Scott said, but it was clear he didn't understand it much either.

"What, like incubation?"

Scott nodded, and I sighed shakily, though I had meant for it to sound stronger. Hopefully, none of them caught that.

"The ones in the masks," I frowned. Nobody said anything, and part of me wondered if they still didn't believe me. The other part of me didn't care. I knew what I saw.


Malia, Stiles, and I were the only ones left in the library still doing research. Liam was with Mason tonight. I think they were going to some club, but I wasn't worried about it. Liam could handle his own. But, of course, just in case he couldn't, Scott and Kira were trailing him. Not like full on, but they just kept their eyes and ears open.

I guess I fell asleep. My heart was racing and there were sounds coming out of my mouth across between a whimper and a growl. I didn't notice this, though, because I was dreaming of Tracy's death. More specifically, the very beings I was trying to cut from my mind.

The needle had gone so far into her neck, I had been scared it would come out the other side. It deposited some type of heavy liquid into her, killing her instantly. Her eyes bored into mine, as if silently asking the question, "Why didn't you protect me?"

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