Relics Pt 1

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It felt strangely amazing to sleep in my own bed instead of Scott's, like I was rejuvenated. As rejuvenated as I was, though, I still couldn't get the image of a faceless Stiles out of my mind. He visited my dreams again last night. He didn't say much, his touch doing all the talking. The way he held me felt so familiar and calming and warming, and I craved it. Every day I wanted to sleep and not wake up because it meant he was here in a way. It wasn't real, but it was enough.

Today felt different, though, in the respect that it felt important, as though there was something I was supposed to do today. My suspicion was confirmed when today's date, April 8th, was circled in bright blue sharpie on my calendar. There was no explanation as to what the date meant, just a circle, so it didn't help me at all. It wasn't even a full moon, so I had no idea what the significance was.

Shaking it off, I opened my closet door as I stretched my body and began to rifle through my clothes. I was thinking about wearing a dress today. I caught sight of a dress in the corner of my closet on a hanger. It had a large piece of paper hanging off it. Written on it in big letters was my handwriting with 'April 8th', so I shrugged and pulled it out. It was a little bit shorter than what I would normally wear, but it was labeled, so I decided I'd do it.

As I was digging through the bottom of my closet for a pair of shoes, I came across a box. It wasn't abnormally large, but it was wrapped in decorative paper with an unnecessarily large bow on it. I looked at the tag, which said, "Happy Birthday."

I wasn't normally one to draw a snap conclusion, but I felt pretty confident that it was someone's birthday today. There was no name on the box anywhere so I was automatically chastising myself for not writing it down. I needed to figure out who this gift belonged to, so I picked up the box and set it on my bed.

I stared at it for a second, contemplating whether or not I should open it, but curiosity killed the cat. I ripped off the paper and pulled the white box open. I was a little surprised to see that aside from one wrapped thing inside, it was all just paper. There was a sheet of tissue paper over it to conceal what they were, so I put the wrapped object to the side and removed the tissue paper.

There were two folders from George Washington University. One of them had a sticky note on the front in Scott's dad's handwriting.

Pulled a few strings. Thanks for all your help. Enjoy law enforcement.

With a frown, I opened that folder. Inside was a slip of paper that read, "Dear Mieczyslaw Stilinski, it's my pleasure to inform you that you've been accepted into the FBI program at GWU." There was a bunch of other words that I didn't bother reading as I winced at the name.

"Who the hell is My-ee-cah-zeey-slaw?" I grumbled, stuttering through my words as I tried to figure out the name I was sure that I butchered. The last name was Sheriff's, so I figured it had something to do with him, but I didn't know that name.

I shook my head, sliding the letter back into the folder and setting it aside. I picked up the next folder and opened it. This name I recognized because it was mine. Whoever this gift was for was someone I apparently liked enough to go to college with. I also knew I hadn't told anyone else about my acceptance into the Forensic Science program, so this dude was pretty high on my list of friends if I was willing to tell him before Scott.

But I didn't see how he could be because I had no idea who he was. Unless, of course, the Wild Hunt had taken another one of my friends and I didn't remember it....

I put down that folder as well, and there was another thing that was wrapped. I rolled my eyes at myself for the wrapping job but unwrapped it anyway. It was a photograph in a picture frame. It was just me in the picture, though it looked like there was supposed to be a someone else. I was making a goofy face at the camera and I wondered why in gods name I would ever frame that and give it to someone as a gift. I turned it around to see my handwriting in sharpie on the back of the frame.

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