The Beast of Beacon Hills Pt 1

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I made sure Scott was absolutely okay before letting Kira help me take him home. I was a little unsure, considering she'd just tried to kill me the same night, but she seemed fine now. Scott was definitely in rough shape and it would take him a little bit to heal completely, but he wasn't in any danger of dying from the wounds. I hoped he just needed a good bit of rest.

I left him with a tight hug as I walked out of the room then closed the door behind me, giving him and Kira some privacy. As they were talking, Stiles came rushing down the hallway. I put my finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet and he slowed when he got to me.

"Scott and Kira are talking," I said quietly. He nodded, taking me in his arms. I sighed, closing my eyes as I rested against his chest. A nap sure sounded nice right about now and with his warm arms around me and his chin resting on my head, I was certain that I could fall asleep right then and there. "What are we gunna do about Mason?"

"I have no idea," Stiles replied.

"We have to find a way to save him. I can't bear to see Liam deal with Mason's death."

"We'll find something, babygirl." Stiles pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head and I smiled at the feeling. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew it was Malia and Braeden. I parted from Stiles just as they rounded the corner.

Malia had this 'oops' look on her face that I frowned at. "What is it?" I asked.

"Tell them," Braeden said.

Taking in a deep breath, Malia said, "You know how my mother wants to kill me? I think she might want to kill you, too." Her eyes fell on Stiles and I felt the first bubbles of worry rise up my throat.

"Okay, uh, that's disconcerting," Stiles said, his eyebrows pinching together as we glanced at each other. "I should probably have a gun." All of our eyes landed on Braeden, who's brows jumped up high.

"I'm not giving you a gun." I agreed with her decision. Despite how much I wanted Stiles to be protected, him with a gun was going to get us nowhere but trouble.

Stiles eyed her defensively. "You have a gun. The Desert Wolf, who is trying to kill me, has a gun. I think I should probably have a gun."

I interrupted Braeden mid-scoff to say, "Fine, give him the gun." Her eyes widened at me, as if asking me if I was serious. My arms crossed, and I hoped she would understand what I was trying to tell her. "Give it to him."

With pursed lips, Braeden pulled a large handgun from the back of her pants, taking the magazine out of it. Stiles smiled at me, and I gave a nod to Braeden. Very suddenly, she tossed the gun to Stiles.

Stiles grunted, fumbling the empty gun from hand to hand like a game of hot potato as he tried to get it under control. My face was expressionless, my mouth set in a frown as the gun flew around. Finally, as it was about to drop and clatter to the floor, I reached out and caught it then handed it back to Braeden while I stared at Stiles.

Stiles rubbed his lips awkwardly, his eyes jumping between all of us before landing on Braeden. "I probably shouldn't have a gun."

"No," Braeden deadpanned. With a nod to me, she and Malia turned around and walked down to the stairs to leave. I turned to look at Stiles, my arms crossed over my chest, and a pink hue crept up his neck.

"They're heavier than they look," he defended.

"Yeah, they're even heavier when they're loaded. Come on, you moron." I pulled him into my room by his hand, shutting the door behind me. I changed into night clothes. With Stiles back where he belonged, I was able to wear shorts to bed again without getting hypothermia in the night. It was crazy how even after all this time, Stiles was still one of the only people who could always warm my never-ending chill.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now