Apotheosis Pt 3

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We'd been running for a few minutes before Liam pulled us to a stop. He glanced down at the cane still in Scott's fist. "I'll do it. It should be me. If you get me close enough, I'll do it." He reached for the cane, and Scott tore it out of his reach with a smile that said he thought Liam was ridiculous.

"We're not killing your best friend," Scott said.

"That belongs to me," Sebastian said from the other end of the hall, capturing out attention. "It's a family heirloom. I'd like it back, please."

"It's all yours," Scott said.

"Just give us Mason," I added, keeping my face as cold as theirs.

Sebastian tsked as he cocked his head to the side. "Unfortunately, I would not know where to begin. And while I've benefited from his memories, I don't have much use for an alter ego."

"That sounds like a no to me," I said, thinking about how he would probably regret this.

"Sure does," Scott answered. We smiled at each other, the three of us shifting forms. "You want it?"

"Come and get it." I smiled at the promise of a fight as the Sebastian's eyes turned bright blue. Scott threw the cane to the ground behind us and we leapt into the fight.

The Beast was tall and strong, and we each worked in tandem to beat him down. However, he kept up with us. Every time he shoved one of us away, another jumped back in. It seemed none of my slashes or hits even registered with him, but he was roaring, so I had to assume that it was.

The Beast shoved Liam into the wall so Scott started to fight him. In less than no time, Scott was on the ground ten feet away with me right next to him. I was beginning to think maybe we couldn't win this one. The look Scott gave me reminded me that we weren't here to win; we were here to stall.

I prepared myself, then the three of us started to run at him at the same time, all of us roaring and growling at him. The Beast let out a thunderous growl and slammed his fists down on the concrete. The vibration it caused sent us flying backwards into the wall.

Sebastian was in human form by the time he picked Scott off the ground by his throat. "You're strong. No doubt in that. But neither of you fight with a killer instinct. Let me show you how to go for the throat."

He wanted killer instinct, he was going to get it. My clothes dropped to the driest part of the ground as I shifted fully and quietly into my lioness form. I roared. I knew I roared for a reason, and it felt like a powerful one, but I didn't know the specific reason for it. It got Sebastian's attention, and when his head whipped towards me, I leapt at him.

Scott dropped to the ground as Sebastian let go of his throat, and Sebastian landed against the wall. I was on my hind legs, my paws pinning him to the wall. I wanted to go for the throat, but I knew better. I had control. Instead, I dropped and chomped down on his leg as Liam ran at him with the pike. He screamed in pain from my bite, but was still able to shove Liam back hard.

I backed up when I saw the ground begin to shake and rumble under my paws. I wasn't scared, though. Somehow this felt right. I stared at the cracks forming in the concrete from my paws all the way to the Beast. Slowly but beautifully, the three Skinwalkers I'd met in New Mexico climbed up from the ground. They stood with their backs to me, looking at the Beast as everyone stared in awed confusion.

When he started to growl, a gust of wind and dirt circled around his body. The vortex looked like a tornado and it created a vacuum around him, sucking away all the air. Sebastian gasped and grasped at his throat. I looked from everyone, who continued to stare in surprise, to the Skinwalkers, who never stopped watching Sebastian blankly.

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