Maid of Gevaudan Pt 2

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My eyes flashed colors in response to the sounds from the library and it was almost like Scott was calling to me for help.

"Y/N, your eyes," Stiles pointed out. "What's going on?"

I faced Stiles and said, "I have to go. Stay here with them. Keep them safe."

I couldn't even get two steps away before he ran past me to block my way, his hands on my arms. "You can't go out there. It's not safe."

"I have to, Stiles. Scott needs help." Stiles' mouth flopped open as he tried to choose between letting me go and letting Scott go, so I slid my left hand in his right one and touched his cheek gingerly. "Hey, I'll be fine. Nothing's gunna happen to me." I wasn't completely sure if this was the truth, or if I'd even come back to him alive, but I said it anyways in hopes that he'd believe me.

"Why does it always have to be you?" he asked quietly, his voice almost a whisper.

"Because you told me it did. Freshman year in Harris' detention, remember?"

"You're gunna believe what I said back then? I couldn't even work up the courage to tell you I liked you. I was an idiot."

"You were right," I interrupted, smiling softly at his worried expression.

"She's the Matriarch," Liam's voice cut through, sounding proud and admiring. I smiled at Liam while Stiles pursed his lips, probably thinking about how Liam wasn't helping at all, and he wanted to strangle him for it.

"Which means if I can do something, I have to. And I can help Scott." Stiles finally relented, sending me a floppy nod while he sighed, and I squeezed his hand before walking to the door.

But Stiles didn't let go of my hand. In fact, he very suddenly yanked me back to him. I had only a moment to squeak with surprise before he kissed me deeply, his nose squishing against my face as he held onto my body for dear life. His hand found the back of my head, holding me gently yet demandingly. His arms felt like home.

The door opened and the first scent that wafted through was Malia, and I jumped back from Stiles guiltily, putting a least a foot between us as I gulped. Malia blinked at me and Stiles, her lips pursing. Braeden was next to her with her guns, but she wasn't nearly as upset.

"U-uh..." My nonexistent words stumbled from my mouth like I didn't have a brain, and I found myself looking between Malia and Stiles like I'd been caught stealing out of Mom's purse. "I know where the Beast is. You guys coming?" Braeden nodded, her and Malia parting as I walked between them through the door.

I looked back at Stiles before he was out of sight, giving him a small smile that I hoped would tell him that I loved him. He gave me the same smile, but his lips were also pursed with worry.

"Where is it?" Braeden asked, cocking her large gun. The sound was only interrupted by the patter of our feet, Malia walking alongside Braeden.

"The library. Scott's fighting it. We should hurry." I picked up my pace and they followed.

I could smell Scott's blood long before I made it to the library, but his groans of pain were overruled by the Beast's roars. And, terrifyingly, I could also hear the fearful heartbeats of about 20 kids in the library with them. My bet was they were hiding and Scott was trying to protect them.

I got to the library before Braeden and Malia did because I was running at full speed, a pace at which very few could keep up with, and I burst through the door. At first, I saw the Beast, large, black, and deadly. And then I saw Scott.

He was facedown on the stairs, covered in his own blood, and I couldn't help but think of the last time he was in that position when Theo had killed him. I pushed the thought from my mind, allowing my claws and fangs to extend.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now