Memory Found Pt 1

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We tried our best to Rider-proof the bunker, sealing off all doors and windows. Of course, if they wanted, they would have no problem getting in. However, Douglas and Parrish would have a hell of a time trying. At least, that's what I told myself.

We were playing a dangerous game. Remembering Stiles was going to require some finesse, and if it put some of us out of the game, the team would lose and Beacon Hills would be gone forever. There was a bright side. If we lost, we'd all be together again as Ghost Riders (or however that worked. I still wasn't quite sure.). All except for Lydia, whom I tried not to think about. Her being alone in Beacon Hills would be awful, and as much as I didn't want that to happen, there was the possibility.

Everything was locked as Scott sealed us in the room. Now it was just him, me, Lydia, and Malia. Sheriff and Liam were watching Theo, who was rightfully locked inside a jail cell.

"Think it'll hold them off?" Malia asked.

"Probably not," Scott said.

"Definitely not," Lydia corrected.

"Okay, I'll be the optimist. Everything will work out as planned." I shrugged at them in a way that told them to believe me, and I walked over to the cooling chamber. This was the tool we would use to bring back our memories. "How cold does this thing get?"

"Cold enough for a hellhound. It's not the same as the ice bath you gave Isaac, but it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive," Lydia responded. I had one worry about this that I didn't share with the others. I was constantly cold. The ice bath had done that to me. We had been looking for the Nemeton to help find Scott's and my parents. However, I remember saving Sheriff, too, so I had a suspicion that Stiles was also with us on that journey.

The bath had changed my permanent body temperature, and I was worried about surviving once I went inside this chamber.

"So what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?" Malia asked unhappily.

"It'll slow your heart rate and put you in a trance-like state."

"Like hypnosis," Scott clarified.

I nodded, crossing my arms. "Yeah. It's not fun."

Lydia stared at the machine. "Hypnotic regression...if we can figure out how to work the damn thing."

Malia gestured to a green button on the side. "This says 'start' so maybe it's not that complicated."

I scanned over all the other notches and levers and knobs on the machine and hummed. "It's complicated. How much time do you think we need to do this?"

"As much time as Liam and Stilinski can buy us," Scott answered. He unlocked the door and stepped inside after removing his shirt.

Before he could close the door on himself, I grabbed it and looked at him seriously. "Please don't die, Scott." He nodded, so I sighed and shut the door, locking him inside.

"Remember this will get cold enough to kill you, so if something feels wrong or like it's not working-." Lydia warned.

"It's going to work," Scott said calmly. I was impressed by how he was staying so calm because inwardly, I was freaking out.

"I hope you're not saying that because you think I know what I'm doing."

"I'm saying that because I know you can figure it out."

Malia turned the machine on, and Lydia, with a newfound confidence, turned the dials on the side all the way to what seemed like the right placement. A smoke similar to dry ice hissed into the chamber, and Scott instantly started shivering.

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