Amplification Part 3

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Kira stood there sheepishly while Malia told us and Liam what happened. Kira took too much electricity during her practice.

"She took out the whole school?" Scott blurted, which probably didn't make Kira feel any better.

"She took out the whole grid," Malia replied.

Kira sighed sadly. "Look, I failed every single practice try. This isn't going to work." Stiles stood next to me, his arms hugging himself as he chewed on his lip.

Liam took a step to me, saying, "How far can we get without the brownout?"

"The front door," Stiles quipped.

"We're going," Scott said.

"Scott, we went through boxes of lightbulbs," Kira said.

"It doesn't matter. You can do this."

"The keycard won't work without a reboot, and there's no reboot without a brownout."

"Hey, Kira," I jumped in, getting her attention. Scott seemed to visibly relax when I started talking, and he backed up from Kira so I could walk in front of her. "Do you know why this is your part of the plan?"

Her lips knotted as she flicked her eyes to mine. "Because I'm a kitsune."

"No. We could've figured out another way to do the brownout, but it would've been ten times harder." My words seemed to shock her, and I hoped I was sending out alpha waves or whatever that Scott has. "I picked you for this job because I know you can do it." She softly smiled at me, and I smiled back then looked over my shoulder at the pack. "Anyone here think she can't?"

Stiles' eyebrows jumped up at my authority, and Liam was quick to answer me. "Not me."

"I was the one who helped put you in the plan," Stiles said.

"I know you can," Scott smiled at her. All of our eyes were drawn to the one person who didn't say a thing—Malia.

Malia looked at all of us before whining, "What?"

Whispering, Stiles mocked what Malia was supposed to say. "'I believe in you, too, Kira'."

"I'm the one who's gunna be locked in an electrical room with her," Malia defended. Her unwillingness to provide support made us all frown. I knew if Kira was in a room with somebody who didn't believe she could do it, it would make actually doing it so much harder.

"Okay, look, I will switch places with Malia," I said to Kira. "I can be in there with you to support you every step." I could already feel Stiles' frustration with my offer to change up the plan. Kira started to nod, but Malia interrupted.

"No. I can do it." She faced Kira. "You can do it." There was a silence where all of us gave Malia sarcastic 'nice job' looks and Kira comforting smiles. We shouldn't be surprised by now. That's just how Malia was, but sometimes I really wish she knew how to comfort more.

Finally, Kira's eyes landed on Scott. "You guys are crazy. We're gunna die." She could've been right, but I would do everything I could to make sure she wasn't.


"I can't believe this was part of the plan," I grumbled from inside a black body bag. Stiles and Scott were on either side of me, and Liam was on the other side of Scott. On top of me and Stiles was another body bag, except this one was filled with an actual dead body. It reeked so bad that if the moon had a nose it would shrivel up and fall from the sky.

I quieted down when I heard Parrish open up the back door to the van. There was another person with him, whom I was assuming was the gate guard.

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