Heartless Pt 3

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Volts of electric current ran through the gate as we waited for a Rider to fall into our trap. We'd been here for nearly an hour now. The moon was out, the sky was stormy, and the air was crisp. I wished there was a way we could speed things along. I was bored and getting a little hungry.

When the storm began to grow stronger, the others hid while I stood in the center of the room, staring at the metal plate. I was still and prepared, barely even blinking as I worked on calming myself. I wasn't scared, but I wasn't exactly feeling like a rainbow at the moment.

Finally, a crackling volt shot down from the rod and through the cable. I crouched just slightly at the knees so I could take off easily. From thin air, the Rider appeared, standing exactly where we wanted. I put on a worried face, in case he could tell that I wasn't afraid of him. He growled lowly, staring at me with his black-hole-eyes from under his cowboy hat.

He was the one to take the first step, walking towards me, and I ran off into the cage and out the other door. As soon as I was out, Liam shut and locked that gate. The Rider, who had thankfully followed me in, stood at the gate, staring down at Liam with a hatred that I could feel. That really was one dark and twisted soul.

Just as he realized what was happening and turned around, Scott ran up and started pulling the other gate closed. But, of course, it got stuck, only closing half of the way. Scott tried to pull it closed as the Rider stomped to him, but the Rider grabbed the gate, the wind billowing his hair back as he glared at Scott.

Theo ran in, helping to push the gate closed, and the Rider grabbed his shoulder, pulling him partly inside. With Theo where he was, there was no way they could get the gate closed, and Theo was groaning in pain.

I ran around the trap as Scott continued to try to close it at Theo's demand, despite the sound of his bones crushing. Grabbing the back of Theo's shirt, I yanked him away, and he slipped from the Rider's grasp. I tossed Theo to the ground behind me and helped Scott to close the gate, only this time the Rider's arm was in the way. I didn't care nearly as much about him.

Shoving the gate with a growl, I heard the bones in the Rider's hand break, and he pulled his hand back in pain, allowing us to get the gate closed. It was a good thing that he could feel pain, but it also seemed pain wasn't a common feeling for him because I tasted the rage he had towards me.

Scott and I stepped back so Mason could lay down the line of Ash, sealing the Rider in. I looked back to see Theo on the floor, still wincing and holding his shoulder as he rotated it, the bones already healed. I left him there, turning my attention back to the Rider. It was like a staring contest between us. It was an unfair fight though, considering he didn't exactly have eyeballs. Or eyelids.

Scott yelled for Mason to get out so the only human wouldn't get hurt, Hayden going with him, and the Ghost Rider stepped back from the gate, looking down at his empty gun holster. To show him he had no power, Scott lifted the gun up. The Rider didn't have facial expressions, but if he did, I would've loved to see the look on his face right now.

He lifted one arm to the sky, pulling in lightning. It traveled down the cable and to the fence. Just as Mason said it would, the volts only hit the gate, not the Rider, meaning he now had no power at all. He seemed to realize it too because his arm slowly dropped back to his side as the lightning and thunder calmed.

"It worked," Scott breathed.

"Yeah, try not to sound so surprised. It's not uplifting at all," I whispered to him.

"We did it," Liam said. Hayden grinned, but it felt as the Rider lifted both of his arms this time. The lightning came twice as hard, but still, the trap held up.

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