Radio Silence Pt 2

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-Y/N's POV-

I sighed quietly, barely listening to the teacher talk as I doodled images on my notebook. Today was uneventful; boring, rather, and I wanted to go home and work on hammering out the kinks in my Stiles theory. My eyes ventured to the window where I just happened to have a perfect view of that stupid jeep that I couldn't get out of my head.

There was a man in a mechanic's uniform and a clipboard walking around the jeep, his tow truck parked in front of it. He kicked the jeep's tire once before nodding and setting his clipboard down. He bent, pulling the hook from his truck to secure it to the front of the jeep. For some reason that I couldn't comprehend, I jumped up, excusing myself from the classroom, and I ran quickly out the nearest set of doors.

"Hey!" I called to the driver as I ran to him. He rounded the jeep to the driver's side, not hearing me. "Hey! You can't tow this jeep." He leaned against the opened window with his elbow, smiling down at his clipboard.

"Paperwork says I can. It's reported as abandoned," he replied.

"It's not. It's mine," I replied quickly.

"Oh, this is your vehicle?"

"Does it matter?"

He scoffed rudely. "Sounds like a no."

"It's mine. It's, uh, it's my jeep," Scott said, stopping his fast run by running into the jeep gently. I whipped my head around to see him and Lydia standing behind me. "Thank you. I'll move it. Once I get the keys." Scott looked at me, and while I was giving him a grateful look, he was also not being very stealthy about this. "From my locker. After you leave."

"I'm sorry. Once it's on the hook-."

"I swear, if you say, 'you're on the hook'," I warned, not wanting to listen to his guy's bad puns.

"Well, I can't now." He shrugged then turned to continue with hooking up the jeep.

"Okay, look! There's gotta be something we can do," Scott blurted. "Sign something. Call someone."

"Pay someone," Lydia said flatly, rolling her eyes at the man.

His brows rose like he was impressed with her but smiled humorously at us. "Drop fee is a hundred and fifty cash."

I felt my heart sink as I realized I didn't have that kind of money. What kind of person carries around that much cash?

Scott looked like he might be sick at how much it was. "150? This thing isn't even worth that much."

"How much you got?" I asked him, ignoring his attempt to make me see reason as I dug through my wallet.

"Uh, how much have you got?" His eyes were locked on Lydia's hands. There was a thick stack of bills in her palm, and she counted it.

"Just give her your money," she whispered to us. I had about $40 dollars on my own, and I felt back that I couldn't offer up more as Lydia handed me $60. I was surprised at how willing she was to help me when she didn't even know what this was. I didn't even know what this is for. It was just some stupid jeep.

"All I have is $50," Scott said sadly. "And when I say 'all', I mean all."

I quickly ripped the cash from his hands and shoved it at the driver. "There. 150. Take it off, please." The driver smiled at me, pocketing the cash as he walked around us to take the hook off the jeep. "I'll pay you guys back."

Scott grabbed my arm before I could walk away. "Hey, you know I don't actually have the keys to this thing, right?"

The corners of my lips pulled down with thought. "Uh... But now we have a jeep? That's cool, right?" The three of us looked at it. It was such a piece of junk that I was surprised it could still run. If it could still run. Despite the fact that it looked like it belonged to a junk yard, I felt nothing but fondness for it.

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