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Kay's POV:

"Okay 1..2..3.."Cam says opening the bathroom door."OWW"Nash says holding his head.Hayes and I look at each other and laughed."Nash what the heck"Cam yelled."I thought you wanted me to open the door."Nash yells back. They were arguing for about 2 minutes.

I looked at Hayes and asked "Can I?"."Go for it"he said annoyed.I nod to say okay then yell "SHUT UP".Cam and Nash looked at me but they where silent."so what's our surprise?"Hayes asks.

"Um I think we are"Matt comes out of the bathroom smiling. Mine and Hayes's jaws dropped.Matt came over and hugged me and Hayes.Soon enough all the boys came out.I gave all them all a hug and asked "What are you guys doing here!"."Come on we wouldn't miss our little sisters Birthday"Jack J says.They all treat me like a sister and I love them like brothers.I ran over to Cam and gave him a hug."Thank you"I say hugging him tightly."for what"Cam asks."for making all of this happen!your the best brother anyone could have.But your mine so..."I say looking up at him.Cam laughs a little and kisses my forehead.

*15 minutes later*

Cameron's POV:

We were all in the loft watching the horror movie "Carrie".Sierra was with mom running errands for Kay's and Hayes's party Saturday.All the guys were sitting on the floor with beanbags and blankets.Aaliyah,Kayleigh,and Hayes were on the couch.

Hayes was sitting on the right end of the couch with Kayleigh in the middle and Aaliyah and Maddi on the other end.Kayleigh was all huddled into Hayes and he had his arm around her and Aaliyah was huddled into Kay.At the end of the movie it's was the part were the hand pops out of the ground.Kayleigh and Aaliyah screamed and we all looked at them.

"What!"they said looking at us."Damn you guys scream loud"carter says holding his ear.We all laughed and picked another movie."We are going to go get snacks"I say pulling Nash a long.

"Hey I bet you $20 bucks Kayleigh and Hayes will get together this summer"I say to Nash smirking."I'm not going to bet you anything because I think they will too"Nash says laughing.

We walk back upstairs with the snacks and passed them out.We where watching "The Fault in our Stars".

(I know it hasn't come out yet but let's say it did)

By the end of the movie Hayes and Kayleigh fell asleep on the couch.Kayleigh had her head on his chest and he had his head on hers with his arm around her.I tap Nash's shoulder and he looks at them."Aww"Nash says kinda loud.Kay moves her head about to wake up but she doesn't."God could you be any louder"I asked him .Nash and I take pictures of them and walked to our room.

Aaliyah's POV:

Maddi and I woke up and walked to the loft.Kay and Hayes where still asleep with her head on his chest and his arm around her."Aww there so cute"Maddi says and snaps a picture."Come on"I say laughing and rolling my eyes.We walk downstairs and all the guys where eating McDonalds.

"Really you guys couldn't just make something."I say laughing."ya if you want burnt pancakes I'll make you some."cameron says laughing."no thank youu"I say sitting down next to Shawn.

He hugs me and passes the pancakes to me."so I have an idea for Kay and Hayes's birthday."I say and they all look at me."Really what do you have in mind"Cameron asks."Kayleigh and Hayes have been friends since they where baby's right"I ask."Ya"they all say confused."so maybe we can make a slide show with all there pictures together."I tell them."they have a lot of pictures together so that could work"cam says interested.

"But what song would we use for it."Nash asks."Since I'm pretty sure we all want them to become a couple and they do everything together,we should do Sad Song by We The Kings"Maddi says and everyone agrees.

Kay's POV:

I opened my eyes and I was laying with Hayes.I don't know why but I like laying with Hayes it makes me feel safe.I sat up and grabbed my phone.It was 11:30.Dang it was late it must have been because we watched movies so late.I nudged Hayes to wake up.

"Wake up its 11:30"I say to him."no just 5 more minutes"he whined."no,you have slept enough."I say pulling on his arm."fine"he says sitting up.I was checking instagram when Hayes hit me with a pillow.

"Hey,what was that for?"I asked him."that was for waking me up"he said laughing."you don't need to sleep anymore"I say to him."yes I do"he says grabbing out his phone ."fine you can sleep more"I say getting up."Yass "he says and smiles."but I'm taking your phone"I say snatching his phone and running down stairs."Kay give me my phone"Hayes says running after me."why you don't need it if your sleeping"I say running outside.I ran to the sand by the water and looked back.Hayes wasn't behind me so I started taking a bunch of selfies and hacked all his social media.

I went to go take more pictures when a pair of arms wrapped around me."Got ya"a voice said but I automatically knew it was Hayes."fine here"I say handing it to him."let's take a selfie together"he said.I smiled and he took the picture.

Cameron's POV:

We where all watching Kay and Hayes in the sand after Kay ran out with Hayes's phone.We watched as Kay took millions of photos on his phone.Hayes ran up behind her and got his phone back by hugging her. "If you ship it say Yass"I said. "Yass"they all said and laughed.


Sorry if this chapter is boring:(

I will update tomorrow.

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