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Kayleigh's POV:

Hayes and I walked out of the theater after watching "If I Stay".

"I like that movie"Hayes says and smiles."Ya me too"I say and smile back.

"Hey I forgot my Jacket,I will be right back"He says running back in.I grab out my phone and start scrolling through Twitter.

I went to go take a picture when I saw a man In a black hoodie in the back round.I Turn around and look at the guy.His hood was up so I couldn't see his face.He ran over and grabbed me and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream.I bit his hand and he uncovered my mouth.

"HAYES"I screamed.He came running out.The guy still had a grip on me.His arm was around my neck and my hands were holding his arm.The guy pulled out a gun and pointed it at Hayes.

"Hayes,Please help me"I said crying.

"Hey man what do you want money our phones,we will give it to you!All of it just please let her go"Hayes said holding up his arms.

"I don't want anything"The guy said with the gun still pointed at Hayes.

"Then why are you doing this"I said crying Harder.

"Because this is just who I am"the guy said and laughed in a deep tone.

"Come on man please just let her go"Hayes says stepping forward.

"Take another step and I will shoot you and it will kill you and I will take your little girlfriend too"the guy said.Hayes stopped walking.

We heard police sirens then the gun went off.The guys grip was released and I heard a car getting turned on and it drove away quickly.

I opened my eyes and Hayes was on the floor."HAYES"I screamed running over to him. I saw he got shot in the shoulder.I put his head in my lap and put pressure on where he got shot.

"Hayes hold on your going to be alright stay with me"I said crying.Hayes eyes closed.

A cop car pulled up and the cop got out and ran over to us.

"please help me we need and ambulance quick my boyfriend has been shot"I yelled in a panic.

The cop spoke into the radio.

The ambulance came 3 minutes later.They put Hayes on the stretcher and took him into the back of the ambulance.I got in the back with him and they put a breathing mask on him.

I was holding his hand and crying the whole way.We finally got to the emergency room and I ran in with them still holding Hayes's hand.The nurse stopped me at the door.I started crying really hard and Called cameron.

"Cameron?"I spoke into the phone.

"Kayleigh what wrong"he asked concerned.

"Hayes has been shot at the movie theater I'm at the hospital...Cam in scared I need you"I said still crying.


"Okay"I said and hung up.

They arrived 10 minutes Later I hugged Cam and looked at Nash.He was crying.I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Grier,Hayes"the doctor said.Nash and I ran over there.

"Im sorry to say this but the bullet that hit Hayes in the shoulder traveled to his heart some how.Im afraid he is gone."the doctor said.My jaw dropped and Nash was in complete shock.We both started to cry and we hugged each other.

I woke up screaming and crying. Hayes sat up and hugged me.I looked over at him still crying.

"OMG,it was just a dream"I said hugging him crying."What happened?"he asked.

"We where at the movies and you got shot,then the doctor said you died."I said not letting go of him.

"I'm right here it's okay I will be right by your side all the time"he said stroking my hair.

We laid back down.My head was on his chest and he had his arms around me.I eventually dozed off falling asleep in his arms.

Thank goodness it was a dream.I wouldn't want to see a world with out Hayes Grier.


So yes guys she was just dreaming I would have hayes die:(

Don't hate me for this:(

It was to get Hayes and Kayleigh closer because of my ideas for the next chapter:)

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