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Cameron's POV:

I was walking back to my room when I got a text from Kay.I stopped in front of my door and read it.

From KayBae💕:

I got him to say yes:)

I sighed in relief and texted her Back.

To KayBae💕:

Okay we will come by your room to pick you up at about 6:30.

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket.Swiping my room key into the door i walked in and saw Nash watching tv.

"Hey Bro,so I talked to Kayleigh and she got Hayes to say yes to talk to you"I said sitting on the couch next to him.

"Really,what did she do kiss him to death"he asked."I hope not she's a little young to be all lovey dovey"I said kinda disgusted.Nash laughed.We got up to get ready so we can go pick up Kayleigh and Hayes.

*20 minutes later*

I knocked on Kayleigh's door and Aaliyah answered."Uhh what are you doing here"Aaliyah said joking."We are here to pick up Kayleigh and Hayes"I said and laughed."can you get them for us"I added.

"Ya hold on there outside sitting on the Balcony"she said.I said okay and she turned around.



Kayleigh's head shot up and Hayes's head leaned back like he was frustrated.

Nash was laughing at what Aaliyah said to even notice Kayleigh and Hayes.

"Wait did you just Call us annoying"Nash said as he stopped laughing.She shrugged and walked away.Kayleigh came up to the door dragging Hayes right behind her.

"You ready to go"Nash asked."If we weren't would we be standing here"Hayes snapped and rolled his eyes.Kayleigh turned around and smacked his arm.

"Oww"Hayes said holding his arm."Be nice"she said pointing at him."Damn you sound just like my mom and Nila"Hayes said.

"Well if you would be nice I wouldn't have to"she said."Now apologize"she added.

"Fine,Sorry Nash"he said."It's fine I deserved that and I deserve a lot more."Nash said and nodded.They walked out of the room and we walked down to the lobby.

We got into the rent-a-car and drove off.

Kay's POV:

"Fine,Sorry Nash"he said."It's fine I deserved that and I deserve a lot more."Nash said and nodded."sorry that your my brother"Hayes mumbled. I gave him the "You really need to stop"look.

"Sorry"He said looking down.I kissed his cheek and we walked hand in hand out of the room and down to the lobby.

We got into the backseat of the rent-a-car and drove off.

"So where are we going exactly"I asked no one in particular."We are going to the Navy pier"Cam answered. "Okay that sounds like fun."I said breaking the silence.

"So Hayes"Nash began."Im sorry I yelled at you and hit you.I just got irritated and I thought you were throwing the first punch so I defended myself before you could."Nash explained.

I looked over at Hayes and he was looking down."Umm Hayes told me earlier that he was very upset and might need some time to think he just needs some space"I answered.

"Wow Hayes your that mad at me that your little girlfriend Has to answer for you"Nash asked and rolled his eyes.Wow I shouldn't of said anything I knew I was just going to get hurt.

Hayes POV:

"Wow Hayes your that mad at me that your little girlfriend Has to answer for you"Nash asked and rolled his eyes.

My head shot up and I looked at Kayleigh.I knew she felt hurt and her eyes started to water.

"Okay listen,At least I have a Girlfriend that cares for me and I'm really upset and I wasn't ready to talk and now I am But your going to listen to what I have to say."I snapped.

"Hayes don't"Kayleigh said looking at me as the first tear fell.

"One I'm in the process of getting a girlfriend,and two no you will listen to me we planned this thing so I could talk to you" Nash said rudely."Who Camryn?"I scoffed and rolled my eyes.All the sudden I started going off and yelling at Nash and he yelled back.

Cameron's POV:

What the heck.Nash and Hayes started talking all calmly and now there yelling at each other.I looked in my mirror.Kayleigh had tears streaming down her face.

We stopped at a stop light and I turned around furious."Stop!This all needs to just stop!Kayleigh is crying and you guys are screaming at each other Left and right!Now knock it off."I yelled.

They looked at me surprised.I never yell like that,but seeing my little sister cry for something that wasn't her fault just triggered me.

A car somewhere around me honked.I thought it was the car behind me.I looked forward and the light was green.I realized the light was green for the turn lane but it was to late.

All of the sudden a truck hit us.The car started rolling and it all went black.

*2minutes later*

"CAMERON"someone yelled I opened my eyes to see Nash.Our Car was upside down and the glass was all shattered.

I looked at the back seat and.....



Sorry I haven't been updating I haven't been feeling well.


I will update soon


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