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Hi. Sorry WATTPAD was acting weird so heres the chapter:)

Kayleigh's POV:

I ran up to my room full on crying my eyes out.I opened the door.I saw Maddi and Aaliyah Sitting on my bed.They looked at me concerned."Kay what's wrong"Aaliyah asked running over to me.

"It's nothing but I really need to be alone,so can you please leave"I asked as nicely as possible.They nodded and started walking out with me shutting the door behind them."Wait,If you need anything let me know"Maddi said and smiled.

I nodded and fully closed the door.Leaning my back against the door I placed my hands on my head.I started pacing back and forth around the room.

What do I do?

I love him .

He can't leave.

I can't live with out him.

I quit.

All those thoughts were going through my mind.I just felt so lost.

Like I didn't know what to do.I walked over to my bathroom mirror and just stared at my self.Sitting on the toilet I looked at my wrist.

I had one rubber band.I started messing with it.As it was on me I pulled it and it snapped my wrist.Yes it hurt but it was better than cutting myself.

I looked back at my self in the mirror still sitting on the toilet and just started to think to my self.

There are other things in the world to make me happy.I have two great siblings and two great best friends.What more can I ask for.

Once I snapped my self out of my thoughts my wrist stung.I looked down and realized I was still snapping myself with the rubber band.

My arm was full of red marks.I stood up with my right hand on my wrist.I walked back into my room and laid on my bed.

I started to hear laughing and I knew it was Cameron.

Slipping on my yoga pants and Taylor's tie-dye sweatshirt I walked to the loft.They all turned to me I smiled and walked oover to the couch to sit with Hayes.

"Hey the Little cutie is wearing my sweatshirt"Taylor said and I smiled.

Before I could get to Hayes Cam grabbed my arm that I snapped with the rubber band.

I let out a little Sound cause it hurt."are you,okay"he asked.

"Ya I'm fine"I said and fake smiled.

I sat down next to Hayes and he put his arm around me.I looked up at him and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and I looked back down at my wrist.Lifting up my sleeve a little I saw my arm was still red and I hurt to touch it.

I pulled my sleeve back down and laid my head on Hayes's lap.

It's amazing what fake smiles and long sleeves can hide.


Thank you so much for 8k

You guys are the best:)



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