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NEXT DAY (Hayes leaves today)

Hayes' POV:

As I lay and snuggle with Kayleigh on her bed I stared at the wall blankly. She was asleep SOO couldn't do anything nor did I want to do anything.

I just wanted to lay here and be with my Princess.

I finally started dozing of when something wet hit my shirt.

Kayleigh's POV:

When I woke up I was in Hayes' arms.I didn't move because this was the last time for a while that I would get to do this.

I thought about this topic a lot,sometimes so much that I would just stare blankly at the wall as my tears fall.Hayes started to move.

Damn it,does he have to ruin this perfect moment.

It's not like I can get mad at him.Its our last few hours together.Today we are going to the last DigiTour event and surprise I sing and I will be singing at this event.

Singing and dancing was how I express my emotions.Even tho I'm that kind of girl that can shove the feelings back or fully break down.

The only person that knows I can sing is Cameron.But everybody knew I can dance.I've been a competitive dancer ever since I was little.I am also a cheerleader at my school for two years now.

I looked up at Hayes and smiled weakly.

I was about to speak when he cut me off as soon as he saw my tear stains.

"Please don't cry,I leave at 9:30 tonight.We can spend the whole day together! Okay?"He said wiping my tears away.

"Okay."I said and half smiled.

"Maybe Okay. Will be our always?"he said with a smirk on his face.

"The Fault in our Stars Quote! You remembered it?"I asked surprised.

He nodded.


We were sitting in the loft watching the Horror movie "Carrie".

I don't know where the hell Mom and Sierra went but Oh Well!

I was huddled into Hayes because you know "Scared Girl over Here".

Aaliyah was huddled into my side then Maddi was huddled into Aaliyah.

At the end of the movie the hand Popped out of the ground.

And I'm not going to lie I screamed so loud every one had to cover there ears.

They all turned to Aaliyah and I.

"What"Aaliyah and I said at the same time.

"Damn you guys scream Loud"Carter said holding his ears.

We all laughed and picked another movie.

"We are going to go get snacks"Cam said dragging Nash Along and with that they left.

I pulled out my phone and went to recent updates on Snapchat.

Carter's was the first one to pop up.I clicked it and just watched.The first part was a video and it was of me and Aaliyah screaming.Then the second part was a picture of my and hayes snuggled on the couch.

My eyes widened.

"CARTER"I screamed punching him in the arm.

"OW WHAT"he said looking at me confused.

"You posted the picture of me huddled into Hayes and now the fans might think we are dating"I said annoyed.

"Well it's not like you guys wouldn't be a hella cute couple"He said and smirked.

I giggled and Blushed.

"Oh it's on now Reynolds the Snap war will begin tomorrow"I said and smirked.

"Your on Dallas"he said shaking my hand.

"You and I are team captains"I said and he agreed.

I thought about Carter's snapchat story again and that picture,along with me being hated on sooner or later. I like Hayes and all but if I make a move it might be awkward between us.

What if he doesn't like me back?What If he does!

"Aww little Haysiepoo is blushing"Taylor said and laughed along with the rest of the guys.

I looked back at Hayes and he was blushing too.

I giggled.

I got up and walked to the Bathroom.When I was done I opened the door and there stood Matt.

I hear Carter in the loft.He sounded like he was recording something.

He sighed. "Huh I think there's a Dinosaur in my bathroom."

"What"I said loud and confused.

I started walking out with Matt right behind me.A water bottle flew across my face and Matt started screeching.

"Ahh MATT WHAT THE HELL"I screamed annoyed.

He continued screeching.

"Okay okay Matt you Can stop now"Carter said Laughing.

Matt stopped and started laughing."What was that"I asked annoyed.

"We were making a vine"Matt said and shrugged.

"Ya Kay chill out"Carter said.

"You guys are all annoying!Your lucky i love all of you like brothers."I said and smirked.

"Awww Kay said she loved us"Matt yelled.

All the boys came over to hug me.(matt,Carter,taylor,sammy,jacks,Dillion, hayes,Shawn,Aaron)

"No,no,no I don't love you I take it back"I said but they hugged me anyway.

Hayes rubbed his head on me and said "Aww Kay that's so sweet you know you will always love us or at least me who cares about them"

"HEYY"all the guys said."Sorry not sorry"Hayes said. I laughed.

"Fine I guess I do love you guys"I said and smiled.We broke apart and sat back down.Nash and Cam came back up with snacks then passed them out.

I put in "The Fault in our Stars" and then soon enough I was huddled into hayes and slowly dozing off.

*end of flashback*

"Ya that was the Perfect night!All of us just being together"he said and smiled.

"Hey I have a surprise for you but I don't know if you would go through with it"I said kinda nervous.

Aww isn't it everybody's favorite Cliffhanger:)


But the new update will be up tomorrow:)

sorry I haven't been updating of been really busy:(

Thanks for all the reads XO XO:)

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