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|at the airport|

Kayleigh's POV:

We were walking through the airport till we arrived at security check.

"Hey guys why don't we just sit over there and relax"Hayes asked.

"You have a flight at 8:30"Taylor said.

"and it's only 5:30 I don't have to check in until 7:30!My bags are already checked in so all I have to do is go trough security and get onto the plane"Hayes said.

"Well okay then"Taylor sassed at Hayes.

I couldn't help but giggle.

We sat down in the waiting area at Starbucks.I went up to the counter and Ordered the usual.(double chocolate chip frappé)

I grabbed my drink and sat down on Hayes's lap.

"Ooo our drink give me some"hayes said trying to take my drink.

"No get your own"I said and laughed a little.

"Please"he said and put out his bottom lip.

"Here"I said and he grabbed the drink from my hand.

While he was sipping away my drink I kissed his cheek.

"GOT IT" someone yelled.

All of the sudden we see Sam and the rest of the O2l gang walking toward us with there drinks.

"What?"I asked.

Kian walked over to us and showed me his phone.

He took a picture of me kissing Hayes on the cheek.It was a cute picture but I'm pretty sure I was blushing like Crazy.

I buried my head into Hayes's chest a laughed lightly.

"Aww is little KayKay blushing"Sam said and poked my side.All the guys said "aww".

I poked my head up and stuck my tongue out at them.They laughed and we just talked until Hayes had to board his plane.


Hayes's POV:

I picked Kayleigh up bridal style and set her down so she was standing.

"Listen it's time for me to go through security,But always remember I'm a phone call away and I will see you every month for events and stuff.Don't even think about the Bitchy girls at school.There not worth the tears you cry you need to stay strong for me Okay promise me that."I said tilting up her chin.

By that time she was crying.I pulled her into a hug and a few of my tears left my eyes.All the Guys walked over to us.

"I'll call you every day to make sure these douches take care of you."I said looking at Kayleigh

She nods her head and smiles.

"HEY YOU KNOW WE WILL"all the guys say.

"Except Matt"hayes said and smiled.

Matt smiled and looked down.

"Oh hell yeah except matt"cameron says jokingly.

We all laughed and group hugged.

I give Kayleigh one last hug and kiss.Cameron had to pull her off me and hug her while she still cried.

And now here I am boarding my plane.

"See you real soon Kayleigh I love you"I mumbled looking out my window.

Hey guys:(

If you cried comment!



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