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Kayleigh's POV:
"Hey I have a surprise for you but I don't know if you would go through with it"I said kinda nervous.

"Uh oh what is it"he asked.Great now I made him nervous.

"So I don't know if you know this but I kinda sing."I said looking at him.

"Of course I know you sing and you sound Beautiful"he said and smiled.

"Wait how do you know I sing!The only person I have ever sang in front of was Cameron and maybe Aaliyah and Maddi but I don't remember"I said confused.

His eyes widened.

"Benjamin Hayes Grier"I said and raised my eyebrow.

"Kayleigh Lynn Dallas you know I hate being called that"he whined.
I let out a giggle.

"Tell me how you have heard me sing"I said.

"I may or may not have been walking in the hall and stopped by your door to listen to you sing"he said and smirked"oh and I like that song Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly nice choice"he added.

(@lolgrierr you know why I'm mentioning you)

My eyes widened.

"OMG I WAS TOTALLY STALKED AT MY OWN DOOR BY HAYES GRIER!CATCH ME I THINK IM GOING TO FAINT"I said dramatically placing the back of my hand on my forehead.

"Haha now what was this surprise you speak of"he asked.

"Well I'm singing at The event today and I was singing a duet song and I was wondering if you can sing it with me"I asked nervous for his response.

"Um I don't know"he said unsure.

"It's okay if you don't I will just sing with Jack G"I said turning around.

"No I will try but don't blame me when your ears bleed"he said and smiled.

"Haha you have always been full of jokes."I said sarcastically.

"You know it Babe"he said and winked.

"You have always been the biggest flirt I knew"I said and giggled.

"Nuh Uh"He said like he was hurt.

"Uh huh"I said looking at him.

"Your mean"he said and pouted.I stuck out my tongue and started walking to the bathroom.

Hayes then grabbed my waist and pulled me back.We fell on my bed and laughed.I pecked his lips then the door opened.

"Bish whet"Hayes said looking up.

"Woah keep it PG In here okay?"Cameron said jokingly.

"NO BISH"I yelled.

"KAYLEIGH LYNN DALLAS LANGUAGE"he yelled then laughed.

"Yes mom"I said then got up and hugged him.

He hugged me back tightly the kissed my forehead.

"Breakfast is ready so come down and eat"he said.

"What are we eating?Because if you cooked it I'll pass"I said holding up my hands.

He put his hand on his heart as if he was hurt.

"Haha no mom came over this morning and cooked.Oh and by the way Chad,Nila,Mom,and Dad went to Florida to see Will play for a parents week out"he said.

I nodded "we will be Down in a minute to eat."

He nodded then left.We went down stairs to eat then went back upstairs to practice our singing before the show.
And I'm not gonna lie Hayes is a pretty good singer.Especially when he sang in Spanish wow he is just!I don't even know.

I pulled out my phone and recorded him.

I posted to all my social media and captioned it:

"I'm not gonna lie This Hayes Grier kid is my everything:)"

I smiled when I posted it.Then hayes and I went back to practicing and he goofed of half the time.Of course I joined him:)

Then we just went to the loft to play "Call of Duty".Yes I sucked but he let me win half the time.What a little gentleman I have here HAHA.
I will try to post the next chapter tomorrow:)
Love you guys<3

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