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Cameron's POV:

I looked at the back seat and..... Kayleigh and Hayes were unconscious.We heard sirens.A fire fighter ran up to my window and bent down."Are you okay sir?"he asked.

"Ya but my best friends brother and my sister are out cold we need help ASAP"I said starting to freak out.

The fire man took a look at the car and walked away, he took a tool that could cut through a car and walked over to my car. I looked at him wide eyed, "Okay, I need you to lean forward" the fire man said to me I close my eyes and hear a shrieking sound.

It was hard to move since the car was upside down and crushed.

I open them and I feel an arm go around my neck and another around my legs, I feel myself being lifted and then Set down on something soft underneath me.

The other fire man did the same to Nash.I feel a mask or something around my face, I open my eyes. I was in a truck, I look past everything and I see the car, it was flipped, and cut in half. I take the mask of my face.

"My sister where's my sister"I screamed.I look back over to the car.I see the fire fighters pull her out bridal style.

"Get this little girl a stretcher!Shes barely breathing she needs to go to the hospital now"the paramedic yelled.

"KAYLEIGH"I yelled crying.I saw them pull Hayes out and Nash was freaking out to the point they had to hold him down.They put Hayes on a stretcher and put a mask on his Face.

"This boy is in the same condition as the girl load them up and rush them to the hospital."the other Paramedic yelled.Hayes and Nash road in one ambulance while Kayleigh and I road in the other.

I looked over at her and she looked so beat up.She had cuts on her arm and her head was bleeding.The paramedics started hooking on wires to her and then I look at her monitor.

Beeeeeeeeeeeeep! "This girl is flat lining give me the defibrillator"the paramedic yelled.I started freaking out and yelling.

(AN: a defibrillator is what paramedics use to restart your heart when they rub them together it charges)

They did it twice and started to give her CPR.The lady put her hands on Kayleigh's chestand started applying pressure.

Is my sister really on the edge of dying?Tears were streaming down my face.

Kayleighs eyes fluttered open and she took a big gasp.

*2minutes later*

(AN:sorry for all the time changes)

Kayleigh's POV:

I woke up fluttering my eyes and gasping.I heard crying and sighs of relief.I started to freak out.

"Where am I?!?Wheres Hayes I need to be with Hayes"I cried out.I looked over to see Cameron.His eyes where all puffy and red.His arm was bleeding And he had a big gash on his head.

"Cam what's going on"I asked."Kayleigh I'm so sorry I don't know what happened."He said crying again. I started to cry realizing we were in the back of an ambulance.I saw a flash of light and Started to have a flashback.


"Knock it off"Cam yelled.A car behind us was honking Cam looked forward and started to drive.There was a bunch of honking from all different directions.

There was a big smash the glass shattered and the car started rolling.

It all went black after that.

*end of flashback*

"We got In a car accident"I asked a little shooken up.

He nodded and all I can think about was Hayes and Nash and if they were okay.

are they?




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