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Kay's POV:

I seriously can't remember anything.All I know is that I have a brother,sister,and a boyfriend I can't even remember.

*knock knock*

"Come in"I yelled.Hayes walked in with a bag."Hey Kay,um I brought you stuff"He said .I was sitting with my legs crossed on the hospital bed and Hayes sat on the other end the same way.

He pours the stuff on the bed and I looked through it.I grabbed what I was guessing was my phone and looked at the lock screen.It was hayes and I kissing while wearing snapbacks.Thats when I remembered something.

*Flash back*

"Hayes stop"I said laughing.Hayes was tickling me so hard I started coughing.Hayes laughed little then stopped tickling me.

I laid on my back and played on my phone.The phone slipped out of my hand and hit my forehead.

"OWW"I said sitting up holding my forehead.Hayes sat up.He cupped my face with his hands and turned me toward him.

He kissed me and I smiled.I laughed and hugged him tightly.I sneezed and Hayes chuckled.

"What"I say sitting up pouting."Your sneeze is just so cute you sound like a little kitten"Hayes said chuckling again.

"Shut up"I said pushing Hayes's shoulder.I stood up and ran outside to the deck and grabbed the water gun on the table.Hayes came down and stood in the middle of the doorway.

"Don't take another step"I say Warning him.

"Haha Ya right you won't shoot me"Hayes said and scoffed."Or will"I said pointing the water gun at him.Hayes started walking towards me and I shot the gun.

When I ran out of water Hayes was soaking wet.He looked at me and my eyes widened.I tried running away but he grabbed my wrist before I could.

He hugged me with his hands on my lower back.I smiled and kissed him.

My phone buzzed and I saw a Twitter notification and it was captioned.

"Beauty is about enhancing what you have,and I have her:) @kaydallas"

I smiled saving the picture and set it as my lock screen.

*end of flashback*

Cameron walked in the room and said I could leave.

"The doctor said your amnesia will only last about 24 hours."Cameron said while opening the car door.

"Thank goodness I want my old life back,I'm sure it was better than this"I say and chuckle.We started driving home.I sat in the passenger seat and Hayes sat in the back.

*14 minutes later*

I was about to open the front door when Hayes ran in front of me.

"Hear let me get that for you"he said and smiled."️Thanks"I said and kissed his cheek.I walked in the house and everybody ran into the living room.

"Welcome home Kayleigh"They all said coming to hug me.I hugged everybody and smiled.There was this one boy on the couch just looking at me.

I walked over to Aaliyah to ask who he was. "Who is that"I asked her."oh I will explain that later,but let's go get you settled back in your room"Aaliyah said and smiled.I smiled back and followed her upstairs.


Hey guys:)

How was your day?

I love you guys so much<3



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