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Cameron's POV:

I was so worried about Kayleigh.I had no idea where she was or where she could be.I called mom right away.


"Hey Cam what's wrong"mom said concerned.

"Kayleigh ran away and we are all looking for her,I tried calling her but it went to voice mail"I said starting to tear up."mom I need your help,I don't know what to do"I said freaking out.

"Cam calm down I'm sure she's okay but why did she run away"mom asked me.

I told her the whole story that Hayes told me.

"Okay but why would she run away,If Hayes told her"she asked me.

"I don't know I think she was just hurt"I told mom.

"Okay I'm going to all her friends houses to see if they saw her"she told me.

"Okay Nash,Hayes,and I are going to continue walking"I told mom and hung up.

*end of Convo*

We walked down the road Kayleigh ran down and reached a park.There where Baseball games going on but I didn't pay attention.

Nash,Hayes and I split up so I walked to the playground.There was a girl on the swings but I realized it was Kayleigh.

"Kayleigh"I yelled looking at her.Her head shot up."Cam"she yelled running into my arms crying.I hugged her tightly.

"Hayes kissed Courtney and I didn't know what to do,I was so upset I'm so sorry"she said crying harder.

"Shhh,it's okay"I said still hugging her."He's my Best friend why would he do this."she asked me."did you let Hayes explain the whole story"I asked her.

"He said She kissed him but I don't know what to believe it looked like he kissed her cause she was against the car"she said looking up at me."I think you guys need to talk about it"I said wiping her tears.Kayleigh and sat on the bench. I had my arm around her while she rested her head on my chest.

I called every one to say I found her and they where here in like 2 minutes.

Kay's POV:

I saw everybody walking over to us and I ran over and hugged Maddi."thank god you are okay"she said and hugged me back."ya I'm fine."I say to her.

They all walked over to Cameron and I saw Hayes on the swings.I walked over and sat on the swings next to him.

"Hayes what happened."I asked him starting to tear up again.

"I didn't kiss her.She tricked me and said my present was in her car.I didn't want to kiss her I like you.I will never like her again.She is nothing to me"he explained.

"I should have listened to you.Im sorry"I said looking at the ground.He look at me and I look at him.

"It's okay,are we still together or?"he asked me.

"I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now,I'm sorry"I tell him.

"It's fine"he said and looked at the ground.

"But you will always be my best friend and that will never change"I say and held his hand.

"Same"he said and we both stood up. I hugged him tightly.

"Let me know when you are ready for a relationship"he mumbled to me.

"I will, for sure"I said and smiled.He kissed the top of my head and we all walked back home.


Do you guys want them back together?

I will try to update tomorrow:)

Please don't hate me if I don't :(


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