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Kayleigh's POV:

We get to the where the event will be held and I see a lot of viners and youtubers,But one catches my eye.

"KiKi"I yell running to him.

"KayKay"he yells when he turned to me.

(Haha get it "Kiki & KayKay" no okay:)😂)

I jumped into to his arms and hugged him tightly.He hugged me back and spun around.

When he stopped I lifted my head to speak while Kian still held me.

"I didn't know you and the whole o2l gang was going to be here?!?"I say and smile.

"Ya Cameron didn't tell you?And the last time we saw you was when we filmed the 4 guys get messy video right?"he asked.

"1.No my stupid brother didn't tell me 2.yes and we filmed it in like June when summer started"I said and let out a giggle.


"Kian what was the girls full name in transformers 3"Nash asked.

"Uh was it Notconelectra"Kian answered unsure.

"WHAT"JC and Cam both screamed.

"That was a horrible answer"cam yelled.

"Oh my god"Ricky said.

"Just hold on we're goin home"cam sang randomly.

Nash pulled out the raw steak and smacked Kian with it.

Everybody started laughing so hard.


"Yeah"Nash said still laughing.

"EWWW"Kian screamed.

Jc got up for his turn when Cam just stood up.

Cams eyes widened.

"Bro Ricky,Kayleigh my PHONE"Cam yelled.

All the guys "oh'ed"

"Kayleigh,Ricky GO GET CLEAN IT PLEASE"Cam said handing me his phone.

"go get clean it please"Jc repeated.

"Hurry"Cam yelled.

Ricky and I went inside and cleaned his phone.Ricky went to bed upstairs so I took cams phone.

I clicked the home button and his lock screen was him giving me a piggy back ride.I smiled and unlocked his phone.

Which was ironic because I guessed his password and it was 1994.His birth year.He's not that smart when it come to passwords.JK.I sometimes watch him type it when I walk buy.Oops!

His home screen was the same picture of us.I absolutely love that picture of us.It was when Cam had his long hair then he cut it.

I go into his photos and look at his albums.

There were 3 Albums that I love:

1.My two beautiful Sisters💘(SIERRA and Kayleigh)

2.My adorable Baby Sister and I💖

3.My Family💕

I looked through the "My adorable Baby Sister and I💖" album which was just a bunch of silly pics of me and cam.Some where just of me,but most of them was of the both of us.

I smiled at them then locked his phone.As I laid down on the couch I could still hear the guys filming.I put in my headphones and played music.

Slowly dozing of to the lyrics...

*end of Flashback*

"Ya I missed you"Kian say.

"More than Cam?"I asked and smiled.

"Is that even a question?"he asked.

I held my hands up in defense.

Kian put me down and I ran down to where Hayes and Cam were.

"Hayes catch me" I yelled.He held his arms open ready to catch me.

"YEET"I yelled and ran past him and jumped on cams back.

"Woah gotcha"Cam said as he secured his arms around my legs.I kissed his cheek,I love my Brother.I then looked at Hayes.

He looked at me and pouted.I blew him a kiss and he blushed.

The show was finally starting and I was about to go on and sing with Hayes...

Hey guys here's and update:)



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