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Kay's POV:

Matt and I walked back inside then the front door swung open.Mine and Matt's hands separated when we saw it was Cameron."Hey Cam"I say running over to hug him."Why have you been crying"he asked looking down at me."I wasn't"I say and fake smile."Kayleigh Lynn don't lie to me"he says tilting up my chin."Fine Hayes and I got in a argument and now we aren't exactly on speaking terms"I say rolling my eyes.Damn why is there so much drama.

"What did he say to you exactly"Cam asked."Umm,that we weren't friends anymore"I say leaving out the Matt and I kissed."I will have Nash talk to him later"Cam says walking up to his room.

*45 minutes later (dinner time)*

We were all sitting at the table eating the pizza Nash ordered."So I hear you and Kayleigh aren't friends anymore.Whats that all about?"I heard Cam ask Hayes ."Oh she told you about that"Hayes asked sarcastically.

"Uh..Ya"Cam says calmly."Oh well did she tell you that her and Matthew were kissing or was I not supposed to say that."Hayes said.Cameron's eyes widened.He shot Matt a look.Matt ran to the living room and stood in a corner.Cameron ran after him.

"You kissed my sister"Cam yelled."it wasn't like the it just kinda happened"Matt said with his back against the wall.I ran over and stood in front of Matt so Cameron wouldn't have a chance to hit him."Cameron stop" I yelled."Kayleigh get out of the way I need to hit him"Cameron yelled back at me.

"I'm not moving you're not going to hit him"I yelled at him.Cameron put down his fist."I don't want you anywhere near my sister"Cameron yelled grabbing my arm.He dragged me over to Maddi and Aaliyah."please go take Kayleigh somewhere while me and the guys have a talk with Matthew"Cameron said handing Maddi the car keys.They both dragged me out the door.


Just in case you didn't know the video at the beginning is supposed to be Cameron chasing Matt;)

Yes I know this chapter is short:)

But oh well....

Hope you guys are liking it:)


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