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Kayleigh's POV:

As I sit on my laptop I hear a door slam.I walk out into the hallway.Standing by the stairs railing I look over and Hear hayes talking to someone.

"Oh Come on Hayes you can't stay mad at me forever"someone said slamming the fridge door."Of Course it had to be Matthew"I Mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"Watch me"I heard hayes say.I saw him start to walk up stairs.I ran to my room and pretended to be on Twitter.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"I say sitting up Straight.

"Hey"Hayes said and half smiles."Hi"I said and smiled looking down."Um Can we talk"he asked.I looked up and gestures my hand for him to sit down.

"So,obviously you know I'm leaving tomorrow..."he started.I nodded letting he first tear Fall."Please don't cry"he said with his voice cracking.

"I'm not crying!It's just allergy season,You know."I said wiping my tears away."Kayleigh as hard as you try to be a good liar you just can't"Hayes said and laughed a little.

I giggled.

"I love you"I said looking up at him.I watched as his first tear fall.

"I love you More"he replied.

"I love you Most"I said crying again.

"Impossible"he said engulfing me into a hug.

I hugged him Back and said,"Nothing's impossible as long as I'm with you".

We laid in my bed and just enjoyed each others company.At least for as long as we could.

There was a knock at the door when I yelled come in.The door opened and it was Skylynn.

"Hey Princess"I said and smiled.

"KayKay you know my name is PONY-PRINCESS. Because I'm the princess of the ponies."she said in a duh tone.

I looked at Hayes as he just shrugged and smiled.

"Oh well I'm sorry Prin- I mean Pony Princess what can we do for you"I asked.

"Nice save,and auntie Gina and Mom said that its time for dinner we got pizza"she said and smiled running out the door.

Skylynn and Auntie Elizabeth (hayes mom)are staying with us so they can take Hayes back to North Carolina.

I looked at Hayes and he was laughing his head off.

"Damn,I just got told by a sassy 4-Year-old"I said and giggled.

"What can I say she out sassed the Sassy Queen"he said trying to stop laughing.

"I am not sassy"I said crossing my arms.

"Ya okay"hayes said and rolled his eyes.

"Wow so I'm labeled as the sassy queen"I said standing up like I was pissed.

I started walking out the door.

"Kayleigh"he said like he was sorry.

"No,I'm fine"I said and walked out to the hallway.I smiled and walked back to my room door.

"Okay,I may be a little sassy"I said and giggled.

"Wait so your not mad?"he asked.

"It's called acting"I said in a duh tone and rolled my eyes.

He ran over to me to tackle me with a hug.I tried running away but you know he has the perks of a football player.

"Damn it,your to strong and fast"I frowned.

"Aww,your just to cute when you don't get your way!"he said in a baby voice.

I let out a little giggle as another tear fell.

"Please don't go."I said hugging him tighter.

"I have to!I just want to let you know that this is my moms decision not mine and I love you so much and I will call you every day.If you need me I'm always a phone call away"he said lifting up my chin and kissing my forehead.

"So are we gonna break up or Do long distance"I asked hugging him again.

"Do you want to try long distance"he asked.

"Sure"I said trying to make him leaving a positive thought.

"Let's go eat"he said grabbing my hand and dragging me out to the kitchen.

After we were done eating we watched Netflix the rest of the night and cuddled.


Guys I have been sick for a week and it SUCKS:(



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