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5 Days Later

Hayes POV:

I leave to go back to North Carolina tomorrow.I don't want to leave Kayleigh but it's something that isn't up to me.

These past 5 Days Kayleigh has been distant from me lately.Ya every now and then we will cuddle on the couch but that's it.I was snapped out of my thoughts with a loud bang.

"Hey Hayes,aren't you gonna eat your waffles before they get soggy"Matthew asked.I looked up at a him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh Come on Hayes you can't stay mad at me forever"He said closing the fridge and taking a sip of his water.I stood Up with my plate and walked over to him.

"Watch me"I said as I looked him in the eyes and through away my waffles.

Matt's POV(what?!?!):

"Oh Come on Hayes you can't stay mad at me forever"I said closing the fridge and taking a sip of my water.He stood Up with his plate and walked over to me.

"Watch me"He said as he looked me in the eyes and through away his waffles.

After that he walked back upstairs.Im sure to be with Kayleigh.

I walked over to the table and started to have flashbacks.


"New YouTube video with this cutie @kaydallas"

Around one minute later there where a bunch of comment asking if we where dating.

Kayleigh turned to me and smiled.Soon enough we were both leaning in and our lips touched.

"KAYLEIGH"I hear Hayes say from the door way.I didn't say anything.My eyes just widened as Hayes walked away slamming the door right behind him.

"Kayleigh is perfectly fine with me"Hayes screamed.

"Oh really is that why she was crying cause you didn't even want to be friends with her"I said and shoved Hayes.

"Wow and Is that why she also chose me over you"Hayes said shoving me back. I held up my fist and punched Hayes.His nose started bleeding.

Kayleigh ran outside seconds later.

"KNOCK IT OF YOU TWO"she yelled.All the guys ran outside. Hayes punched Me back like we were both ignoring Kayleigh.She walked over behind Me and grabbed my arm.I pushed her away not thinking and she fell backwards hitting her head.Thats when she passed out.

End of flashbacks!

"Matt,Matt?!?"Nash says shaking me."huh"I say as he snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay"he asked.

"Ya I'm fine"I replied and fake smile.


Sorry I haven't been updating I'm Sick:(




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