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Cameron's POV:

"Please fasten your seatbelts.This flight to Chicago will land in 15 Minutes"I hear the pilot say as I slowly wake up.I woke up nash then I woke up Maddi.

"Maddi wake up Kayleigh and Hayes"I say in a whisper.She rolled her eyes and through her arm across there Chests.They woke up startled.Kayleigh turned to Maddi and punched her arm."Why did you wake us up like that"Kay asked angry.Maddi pointed at me because she wasn't fully woken up.Nash was still asleep.

Kay gave me the death stare.She took the hair tie off her wrist and was going to shoot it at me.Hayes brought his attention to her and grabbed the hair tie."No"Hayes said to her.

"Give me my hair tie to fling at my stupid brother"She said frustrated."No just cause your mad you don't need to handle it with violence"Hayes said and looked back out the window.Kay rolled her eyes.We all buckled up and I started scrolling through my music.

I saw something fly across my face and it hit Nash.He woke up holding his face."What the heck was that for"he asked me."It wasn't me"I said and laughed a little."Then who was it"he wondered.I looked at Kay and she was just sitting there looking at her phone giggling.

Our flight landed and we made our way to baggage claim.Nash and I walked over to Victoria and Camryn and exchanged numbers."We should hang out some time"Nash said and I nodded."Ya for sure"Camy said."Just call us when you have time"Victoria added.They kissed our cheeks then left.

Kay's POV:

We all got our bags then walked out into the limo our manager got and drove to the hotel.We walked to the front desk and got our room keys.

"Okay the room situation is Me,Nash,Carter,and Matt"Cameron said.That meant it was all the girls and Hayes.

"Can I have the room key please"I asked Cam.He handed it to me and we all walked up.We all set our bags down. Then there was a knock at the door.I answered it and it was Cameron and Nash."What"I said annoyed.

"Geez what happened to you did you get hit with the mean stick or something?"Nash asked."Ya we were just gonna ask if you guys wanted to come down to the pool with us"Cam said.

"Haven't you guys ever thought it was a long flight and I was just tired"I said and rolled my eyes."Ya the flight that you slept the whole way on"Maddi mumbled.

"Why don't you go with them and I will stay here"I said turning around snapping at her.Her eyes widened and she walked to the bathroom."Kayleigh Hallway now"Cameron said pointing at the door.

"No your not mom you can't tell me what to do"I yelled at him.He got up and through me over his shoulder walking out of the room.

He set me down then looked at me."Whats wrong with you"he asked."Nothing"I said angry."Then why are you being so mean to every one."He asked getting annoyed."I don't have to tell you"I snapped at him."Yes you do tell me now or i will call mom"He said crossing his arms.

"You don't have to call mom Because I'm going to call her and tell her I want to go home."I said and ran to the elevator.He ran after me but I pushed the button to close the door and it shut before he can get to me.i pushed the button for the first floor and went down.

The door opened and I ran out before Cameron could get down.I started to run towards the front door to leave but I ran into someone's chest.They wrapped there arms around me and I tried squirming out of his grip.

"Kayleigh stop what's wrong"I heard the guy say when I realized it was Carter.I broke down into tear in is arms slipping out of his grip and sitting on the lobby floor.He sat down next to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I can't deal with it anymore"I said crying into his shoulder."What can't you take anymore?"He asked."It's happening everywhere!On the Twitter,Instagram,Vine"I said crying harder."Kayleigh deal with what"Carter said cupping my face to look at him.

"After I ran away seeing Courtney and Hayes kiss it got out and fans started Hating on me.

They started the hashtag #whywehateKayDallas on all social media.After awhile it started to get to me and I felt like I wanted to just hide in my room forever.

I don't understand how Cam and all the guys Handle it but I just can't.I never told Cameron because he would tell me to get over it.

All the fans started saying things like, "Kay doesn't deserve Hayes she is such a drama queen!".Some also said "I wish she wasn't a Dallas,She's such a bratt".The day I was sick I walked to my room and told everyone I was just going to lay down but in reality I was sitting there crying the rest of the day.

I eventually just cried myself to sleep.It bugged me for awhile that's why I'm upset but I shouldn't of taken it out on every one else.I just didn't know how to handle my feelings."I told Carter.

I looked back up at him as his eyes saddened.

"Kay fans who say that stuff aren't real fans,You need to learn to not let it get to you its not worth it"He said hugging me again.

"I don't know if I can"I said burying my head into his shoulder."Yes you can you are a strong girl.I know you can"he said and smile.

"Have you guys ever broken down because of hate"I asked.

"Sometimes we will but we are all learning to not let it get to us"he replied."Okay I will try"I said

"There you go,stay positive"he said and smiled at me."Come on let's go find the rest of the guys,and we can all go to the pool."he said pulling me up and walking to the elevator.


Hey guys I hope you like it:)

This chapter kinda makes me sad:(

I teared up a bit:(

But don't worry about me!

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