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Kay's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Matt and Carter's voice.

I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes.After I got dressed I Opened the door I saw that they where in the loft making a YouTube video.

"I want to be in the video!"I yell and and hugged Matt from behind.

"Uhh,are you sure we are doing The Hottest Sauce in the World challenge"Carter asked me.

"Ya I will be fine I like spicy foods"I say and laugh a little.

"Okayyy"they both said and sat down.

I sat down in between them and they pushed the record button.

"Hey what is up guys,I am here with Carter Reynolds and Kayleigh Dallas"Matt says to the camera.

"What up"Carter says doing the peace sign.

"Hi"I say and wave.

"So we were at the store yesterday,and we past this spice store and got the Hottest Spice there."Matt said. I took the bottle from his hand and started looking it.

Matt continued talking "We where going to use regular spoons but the lady said we could actually die from that so she gave us these little test spoons"

"Wait so what is the reward if I win"I say and smirk.

"Who ever grabs the milk first loses and the Winner gets to tweet of the losers twitter"Carter explained to me.

We pored the hot sauce into our spoons and Matt counted down.

"3,2,"Matt said. I tossed the spoon in my mouth."wait,wait I'm not ready"carter said laughing.Matt and Carter didn't realize I had it in my mouth already so I tossed the spoon on the table.They both stared at me."what!"I asked laughing.

"Did you eat yours already?"Matt asked. "Ya it wasn't that bad"I say and laugh. "Kayyy,that's not fair do it again"Carter said whining.

"Gladly"I say and smirk at him.I fill my spoon.

"Okay 3,2,1"Matt says.we all tossed it in our mouth and Matt was already reacting to it.I stared at him and laughed.He started breathing heavy while Carter and I just watched.I swallowed mine and just stared at him.He was actually really cute though.

My mouth was burning but I wanted to win so I waited till carter spit his out.Carter finally spit his out and reach for the Milk.Matt was drinking the carton.I pushed him over and grabbed the carton.All the guys came in the loft."Oh you guys did the hot sauce Challenge"Taylor said and laughed.I nodded drinking the milk. "OWW I can't feel my tongue,guys this is not good." Matt said.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital"Cameron asked laughing."y'all are crying and Kayleigh is just sitting there drinking the milk"Nash said laughing.

"Matt dude you are sweating bullets"Aaron says.Matt stands up and takes of his long sleeve shirt.He sat back down and and grabbed the milk carton from me.

"HEY"I say looking at at him.I looked at Carter and his lips were swollen.I watch as Cameron grabbed the Febreze.He kept spraying it and the scent was getting stronger to where we couldn't breath. "Cameron knock it OFF"I yell.

"I do what I want I'm older"He said looking at me .

I walked over to the camera and stopped the video.I brought the camera to my room.As soon as I back to the loft I grabbed Matts hand and Carter's sleeve pulling them to my room.

Matt pushed the record button again while we all sat on our bed."Hey guys so the guys thought it would be funny to mess up everything by spraying that spray or whatever every where so we moved to Kay's room"Matt said."So I can't feel my lips,that's how bad that hot sauce was"Matt added.

"My lips are swollen can you tell"carter says putting his lips to the camera.I grab his shirt and pulled him back.Matt wrapped his arm around me and hugged me.His lips where swollen as well."Want a kiss kiss"Matt says making a kissy face towards me.I put my hand to his face and pushed him away."No"I say and laugh.

"Well that is all for today guys if you like this video subscribe to Carter and this Little cutie right here and I will see you guys next week"Matt says and covers the camera lens.

As soon as the video was over Matt turned and looked at me while carter went to go look at himself in the mirror.

"Aww your lips at so swollen"Matt says squishing my cheeks together."Yours are too"I say squishing his and laughing.

"Let's take a picture and post it to our social media"he said looking at me.I nod and we take the picture.

He posted it on twitter and Captioned it:

"New YouTube video with this cutie @kaydallas"

Around one minute later there where a bunch of comment asking if we where dating.

I turned to Matt and smiled.Soon enough we were both leaning in and our lips touched.

"KAYLEIGH"I hear Hayes say from the door way.I didn't say anything and Hayes walked away slamming his door.


Kaleigh and Hayes aren't over :)

Or are they:(

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