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Kayleigh's POV:

"Honey, you need to rest, your pain medication will come soon, the Doctor would like to see you for a second" the nurse says and the doctor comes out. "Your very lucky to be alive right now" she added and left.

"She's right you know you almost flat lined"the doctor said.

"right now I kinda want to die!No one told me were my boyfriend is or even what's wrong with him!Is he dead or something is that why no one is telling me!"I yelled.

"He's fine he is in the same condition as you just he's a little worse"he said looking down.

"A little worse?HOW?"I asked concerned.

"You just have stitches but that's all and he has a broken arm,you guys will be out of here later today."He said calmly.I rolled my eyes and turned towards the window even though it hurt to move.

Hayes POV:

So from what I heard I was in a car accident.I haven't even heard what was wrong with Kayleigh.I couldn't even think.Her name Is all I heard in my mind.

Our moms flew down to Chicago as soon as they heard about the accident.Nash was with me in my room he just had cuts and bruises.Same with Cameron.

Nash a was sitting in one of the chairs holding Skylynn while she slept.My mom was sitting in the chair next to them waiting for the doctor.

The doctor walked in and started to speak."So do you think you can tell me what happened if you even remember!"he asked.

Should I lie to him or tell him I was fighting with my brother.I think I will just lie since my moms right there.

"Um I remember we where going to the Navy pier and I was sitting in the Back with Kayleigh!"I said."And speaking of Kayleigh is she alright?How is she?"I added

"Well when you guys got in the car accident the glass was all shattered and the car was upside down"I nodded and he continued.

"We got you both out but when we where driving to the hospital Mrs.Dallas started flat lining"he said my eyes started to water."She's dead"I asked.

"No no no we saved her she just has stitches and she is also pretty beat up"He said quickly.

I sighed in relief and wiped my eyes and he left.

"Okay Now what really happened before the Car accident"my mom asked.I looked at Nash and he looked down.

"Nash and I just had a little argument it was no big deal."I said and shrugged.

She looked at Nash and he nodded then Skylynn woke up.

"Mommy I'm hungry"She said rubbing her eyes.

"I know sweetie,Here Nash take her down to get an ice cream"she said handing him the money.

They left and she started to speak again.

"Listen Hayes,we both know there is more to that argument story you and Nash are trying to pull of but I'm not going to ask."she said calmly.

"but I have already talked to your father and he and I both think you and Nash need a break from each other so in one week you will be flying back to North Carolina to live with me while Nash stays here With Your father"she said continuing to talk.

My eyes widened."Move back to North Carolina!But I'm already registered for school and I can't just leave Kayleigh like that!"I said as Calmly as I could.

"Hayes the decision is final now you need to tell Kayleigh as soon as you can and as gentle as you can.She is a very sweet girl and I know you love her but things happen"she said looking at me.

"She won't understand,What if she hates me afterwards."I asked as my eyes started to water.

"Hayes,If she loves you as much as you love her she should understand.Yes she will be hurt but she will live and you guys will still see each other just not that often"she said trying to calm me down.

"What if she finds someone else,Someone better than me after I leave,and then what happens if I like someone back home.I only want to be with Kayleigh!No one else"I said getting frustrated.

"If you two find other people maybe it's for the best but at least wait till that day comes don't think about the future think about the present and just live your life as you!And who knows Maybe you two are meant to be and if you are you guys will find love again"she said rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded.

Nash and Sky walked into the room.Sky had ice cream in one hand and a teddy bear with another ice cream in her other.She walked over to my bed and I looked at her.

"Here Hayes I brought you this get well teddy bear and your Favorite ice cream"she said handing it to me.

"Aww thanks Sky can I have a hug"I asked opening up my arms.She shook her head no."why not?"I said pouting my lip.

"I don't want to hurt you"she said looking back at me."you won't I promise "I said and smiled.

"Okay "she said and looked at mom and Nash.They both nodded and Nash lifted her into my bed and I hugged her tightly.

*30 minutes Later*

Skylynn was sitting on my bed playing a game on my phone while I just stared into space.I was thinking about how I was going to tell Kayleigh I'm moving and how hurt she will be.

Nash told me She just got released 25 minutes ago so she just went home to rest.I will see her in about 1 hour because the doctor still has to run test to make sure I will be fine.

I love Kayleigh and I don't want to leave her but that's not my decision.


Hey so this book will end in 6 chapters:(

But do you guys want me to right a sequel!




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