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Hayes POV:

After seeing Kayleigh so upset actually upset me as well.Seeing someone that means the world to me like that is hard.

After we got done at the pool we went out for dinner To Chipotle.

When we arrived back to the hotel we all went straight to our rooms.We changed into our pajamas and settled down.

"Want to watch a Movie?"asked Kayleigh."Uhh Ya let me change first"I said and walked into the bathroom.

When I walked out all the Girls were sleeping.I walked over to Kay and nudged her.

"Huh"she groaned.

"What happened to our movie plans"I asked and laughed a little.

"You took to long"She said slowly falling back asleep.

I kissed her forehead and said goodnight.I laid down wrapping my arms around her and slowly doze off.

*next day*

Kay's POV:

We all jumped up startled by someone pounding on the door.Hayes got up and looked out the peep hole.He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes?"he asked annoyed."We need to hurry we overslept and sound check is in 15 minutes"Cam said breathing heavy."Oh crap"Hayes says slamming the door and running to his suit case.

"Are you coming"he asked.I nodded and started to get dressed.I put on my makeup and my Khaki skinny jeans,Black crop top,and my red vans.I grabbed Hayes Black and red snap back and put it on my head.

He turned around and looked at me."Aww you look cute in my Snap backs."he said and smiled. I smiled back and realized something.Hayes and I matched.

He was wearing a plain black shirt,and khaki pants,with his red vans."Aww we are cute together"I said and kissed his cheek.

"Will you two shut up"Maddi groaned."Ya we are trying to sleep"Aaliyah added.

"Aren't you coming to the sound check with us"I asked."uh what time is it"Maddi asked.

"9:30"I replied."Uh yeah my brain doesn't function till at least 10:00 so I will pass.The guys will just have us sit down there and do nothing anyway"she said covering her self with the blanket.I nodded my head because it was true.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Hayes.He was literally right next to me and he texted me.

From PooBear💙:

She's so lazy😂

I laughed and texted back.

From BabyCakes💋:

I know😂

We both laughed.Maddi got annoyed and through a pillow at us.

"Can you two leave now!Your annoying me"she yelled.I laughed and interlocked my fingers with Hayes's.We walked out of the room and down to where the event will be taking place.


Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating I'm sick:(

Just in case if you didn't now babycakes is Kayleigh's name in Hayes's phone and PooBear is Hayes's name in her phone:)



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