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Kayleigh's POV:

I woke up to my computer going of like crazy.Opening my eyes I see Maddi and Aaliyah sleeping on each side of me.

I got up slowly so I wouldn't wake them and walked over to my desk.I opened my computer to see hundreds of Twitter notifications.

I clicked off my profile and went to my time line.All these pictures....

It was Hayes,with this girl pushed up against the wall making out.

(Fake Twitter names)

Some of the captions read:

@magconinfinity: Hayes wouldn't! what about @kaydallas?They were perfect together.

@ayyyecaniff : I didn't expect this from @hayesgrier! I'm so sorry @kaydallas:(

@magconflirty :@hayesgrier what has gotten into you! @kaydallas you deserve better.

@hayesisbae: at least he cheated on her with a prettier girl @kaydallas😏

By this point I was crying.I pushed my chair back from my desk.I looked down and closed my eyes.

"Kayleigh are you okay?"Maddi and Aaliyah asked.I looked up and opened my eyes.Slamming my computer shut.

I shook my head and ran to the bathroom locking the door.


I didn't answer.

As soon as I knew it they busted the door open.

"I CANT GET THE CAP OFF"I yelled trying to open the sleeping pill bottle.

"KAYLEIGH GIVE IT TO ME NOW"Aaliyah yelled and attacking me for it.

"NO"I yelled.

Aaliyah and I were both fighting for it.

"CAMERON"Maddi yelled.

Soon enough the pill bottle opened and pills went everywhere.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID"I yelled at her as we both cried.

Soon enough Cameron came and grabbed me.

We both slide to the floor and I was sitting on Cameron's lap crying.

"What happened?"cam yelled.Maddi ran out and grabbed my laptop.She gave it to cameron and he opened it.

"What's the password"he asked.I just sat in his lap crying.

"I think it's Goodvibes11"Aaliyah answered.

By this time everyone was in my room looking at cam and I on the floor.Cam unlocked my laptop and scrolled through my Twitter feed.

"Well what is it?"Jack J asked.

Cameron's POV:

"Well what is it?"Jack J asked.

I stood up with Kayleigh in my arms and passed her to Jack G.

"Cameron where are you going?"Nash yelled running out of the house after me.

"To go call you dumbass of a brother"I yelled.

"Why what did he do"he asked.

I pulled out my phone and typed in the Hashtag "#Kayesisbroken" then handed Nash my phone.

His eyes went wide then filled with anger.He pulled out his phone and called someone.Im assuming it was Hayes.

He put his phone on speaker so I can hear.

"Hello?"Hayes answered.

"What the Hell where you thinking!"Nash yelled.

"What are you talking about?"hayes Asked.

"Check your Twitter NOW "I yelled.

"Well hello to you too Cam"he said.

"Just check it"Nash yelled.It was quiet for a minute and then we heard him speak.

"Uhh...ohh"we hear him say."Did Kay see this?"he asked.

"Ya and guess what she tried to do?"I asked.

"What?"he said worried.

"She tried to over dose her self with sleeping pills!You are so damn lucky she couldn't get the cap off and Aaliyah made her drop them!"Nash yelled.

"She didn't!"He said with his voice cracking.

"She did,What's this girls name?"I asked.

He sighed then spoke."Jordan"he said.

"That bitch who cheated on you!"Nash yelled.

"Ya"he said sighing again.

"And how did it feel when she cheated on you because I bet Kay feels the same way about it but worse"I yelled.

"Ya it felt horrible but I did this for a reason"he said.

"And why is that"I asked.

"I can't say"he said.

"Whatever Hayes"I said.

"I would never hurt her on purpose"he yelled.

"You screwed up big time Hayes and I'm not sure this can be fixed."I said.

"Goodbye Hayes"Nash said and hung up.


a special thanks to you guys for everything<3




Sequel coming soon



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