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@lolgrierr plays Camryn Miller (Camy)

@Natalie_mowery plays Victoria (Vicki)

*A few days later*

Kay's POV:

Today was the first day of the Magcon tour.All the guys and I were at the airport waiting to attend our flight.

"Here Kay"Nash says coming over and handing me a double chocolate chip Frapuccino.

"Ooo yay Starbucks"I said and smiled.

"Wow typical white girl"Matt says and smiles.

"Shut up Espinosa I'm tanner that you"I say and sip my drink.

All the guys laughed.

"Yo bro check out those girls over there"Cameron said tapping Nash.Nash's jaw dropped.

"How do we talk to them tho"Nash asked.

"Kay go talk to those girls over there"Cam told me.

"No"I said with a hint of sass.

"Please Kay"Nash said hugging me.

"Fine"I said walking over there.

I walked over to the girls and spoke up.

"Hey I'm Kayleigh"I introduced my self.

"Hi I'm Victory and this in my little sister Camryn"The girl with brown hair and blue eyes said.

"Nice to meet you,I'm 14 how old are you guys"I asked."I'm 16"Camryn said and smiled."Ya and I just turned 18"Victory nodded.

"Oh cool so listen,my two ignorant brothers think your cute you should go talk to them"I blurted out.They laughed and we all walked over to them.

"Hi I'm Victoria"She introduced herself."I'm Cameron"he said and smiled.

I looked over and see Nash and Camy laughing.I smile and she smiles back.Our flight number was called and we started to board.I tapped Nash's shoulder and he stopped and looked at me.Camy stopped as well.

"Do you know where Hayes is"I asked.He shrugged and they continued to walk.I walked behind them.Me not watching out where I'm going trips on Nash's suitcase.I fell forward and a pair of arms caught me.I looked up to see a guy with hazel eyes but he wasn't that cute.

"Um are you okay"He asked me."Ya I'm fine,I'm Kayleigh"I say standing up."I'm luke,so maybe we can go on a date sometime."He said lifting his eyebrows.

"Um,One I have smoking hot boyfriend ,two I just met you,and three your creepy"I said and Scoffed.He pulled me close to him and tried to kiss me and wouldn't let go.I tried squirming out of his grip but it was to tight.

Cameron walked past not noticing it was me."Cameron"I yelled.Him and Victoria turned around.

"Hey let go of my sister"he yelled at Luke."Oh I'm sorry man I didn't know she was your sister she tried kissing me"Luke lied.Cameron looked at me and I shook my head no.Then he looked back at Luke.

"I highly doubt she was trying to kiss you because she has a boyfriend and she wouldn't try to squirm out of your grip.So if I were you I would walk away now"Cam said and Luke walked away terrified.

Cameron came and hugged me and asked if I was okay.I told him I was.

I walked Down the aisle to my seat and Hayes was in the window seat.I smiled and sat next to him.

"How did you get on the plane so fast"I asked him."I honestly don't know,Carter and I just started running when our flight was called"he said and laughed.

I smiled and kissed his lips.He kissed me back then our plane took off.

"Here we come Magcon Chicago"Hayes said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

Hey Loves:)

How are you:)



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