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Hayes's POV:

Kayleigh has been gone for awhile.I went upstairs and I heard Kayleigh and Aaliyah talking.

"so who was that kid on the couch?"Kay asked."That was Matthew,and well he's the one that kinda made you land in the hospital"Aaliyah explained to her.

"Matt's kinda cut-"I knocked on the door,before she could finish her sentence.

"Come in"Aaliyah yelled.I opened the door and they were both sitting on Kayleigh's bed."Hey Kayleigh so I was wondering if you wanted to go to Santa Monica pier with me tonight"I asked her scratching the back of my head.Thats when I remembered our first date.


Tonight was the night.The night that would be so special because it is my first date with Kayleigh.I don't know why but just saying her name makes me happy.

We were supposed to go on a lunch date but Sierra needed her to help with errands.I went to the bathroom to see how I looked.Someone knocked on my door.

"One second"I yelled.I put on some cologne and walked over to my bedroom door hoping to see Kayleigh. I opened the door and it was Nash,Cameron,and Carter.

"WOW HAYES,what did you do bathe yourself in Cologne"Nash asked plugging his nose."Shut up Nash"I said and rolled my eyes."Before you and Kay go I have rules for you"Cam said raising his eyebrow.

"Here we go"I said and sat on my bed.

"Okay so first you hurt her we will have a problem"Cameron said.

My eyes widened and I looked at Nash.He looked back at me and nodded.Next thing I know I heard a car door close.I ran to the window to see Kayleigh and Sierra walking to the front door.

"Now second of all.."Cameron started to say.I heard the front door open."Hayes" Kayleigh yelled.I got up and pushed through Cameron,Nash,And Carter.

"Kayleigh"I said running downstairs.I ran over to her and hugged her."You ready to go"she asked me."Ya lets go"I said pushing her out the door.

"Hey I wasn't done talking"cameron said running down stairs."Gosh Cameron shut up"Nash said covering his mouth and holding his arm."You two go have fun"Carter said pushing us out the door.We laugh and then left.

*end of flashback*

"Hayes"Kayleigh said snapping me out of my thoughts."Oh sorry I was thinking about something."I said and smiled.

"Yeah I would love to go with you tonight"She said and smiled.Aaliyah smiled at me as well.

"Okay we'll leave at 6:00"i told her.

"Okay I'll be ready"she said.

I smiled closing the door.


Hey guys I'm close to 1k readers so thank you so much.

I really do love you guys.

Hope you are liking it:)

I will update soon:)


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