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Kay's POV:

I straitened my hair,put on my crop top and my white high wasted shorts.When I was finished I grabbed my phone.I started to hear yelling and I ran down stairs.No one was down there.I looked outside and my eyes widened.Matthew and Hayes wear screaming at each other.

"Kayleigh is perfectly fine with me"Hayes screamed.

"Oh really is that why she was crying cause you didn't even want to be friends with her"Matt said and shoved Hayes.

"Wow and Is that why she also chose me over you"Hayes said shoving him back. Matthew held up his fist and punched Hayes.His nose started bleeding.

I ran outside as fast as I could.

"KNOCK IT OF YOU TWO"I yelled.All the guys ran outside. Hayes punched Matthew back like they didn't hear me.I walked over behind Matt and grabbed his arm.He pushed me away not thinking and I fell backwards hitting my head.Thats when everything went black.

Cameron's POV:

I ran over to Kayleigh and held her in my arms."Kayleigh please wake up"I said with tears filling my eyes.She didn't respond to anything I said."CALL 911 NOW"I yelled.I heard Nash on the phone.

"Ya Um there is a 14 year old girl and she hit her head we need help like now."he said starting to tear up.There was a short pause."Ya the address is 838 chino hills,please hurry"Nash said and hung up.

The ambulance arrived 5minutes later.They took Kay from my arms and put her on the stretcher."Are you the brother"the paramedic asked me."Ya I'm her brother"I say.

"If you would like you can ride with us"she said.They ran Kay to the ambulance.I got In the back and held her hand.

The guy put a breathing mask on her.She looked so life less.Tears fell down my face and we arrived at the hospital.They ran her out and into the emergency room.I ran with them still holding her hand.The nurse stopped me at the door.

"No,I need to be with my sister"I said as the tears continued to fall.Nash and all the guys ran in.He grabbed me and looked at me.I looked back at him and wiped my tears .Maddi walked over and looked at me as well .

"My sister..."I said."She will be okay"Maddi said and hugged me.I hugged her tightly and cried into her shoulder.I can't believe this is actually happening to my sister....


Hey guys so i actually cried during this chapter😭

But I will update tomorrow:)

Please vote:)


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