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Nash's POV:

We were doing our sound check and Hayes and Kayleigh are 5 minutes late.The guys and I hear the door open and we see Kayleigh and Hayes walk in."Your Late"I yelled at Hayes.

"We are only 6 minutes Late,chill out"Hayes says.

"No I'm not gonna chill out,Whenever you make your stupid mistakes you screw things up for me and I'm tired of it.So if your not gonna take this seriously go back home"I yell.

"You know what!Have you ever thought that I am tired of Living in your God damn shadow.Like seriously I think this Fame is getting to your head."he yells.Kayleigh didn't move she was still in his grasp huddled into his shoulder.

"Why don't you let go of your girlfriend for awhile and actually do what we came here for,TO MAKE THE FANS HAPPY"I yelled.

Hayes gave me a look and I started to speak again.

"You would be nothing with out me Hayes,Your only known as Nash Griers little brother Nothing more"I said making eye contact.

Hayes's POV:

"You would be nothing with out me Hayes,Your only known as Nash Griers little brother Nothing more"Nash said making eye contact.My eyes started to water.

"Babe come on let's just go"Kayleigh Said trying to get me out of the room.I pulled away and walked up to Nash.

"I'm done with the crap you say,I love the Fans.They are the ones who made me who I am today!Ya you may have Helped me a little bit ,but it wasn't just you so if you want me to go home I will"I yelled as the first tear fell Down my face.

"Then go"Nash said and shoved me.I shoved him back and we started fighting.Kayleigh was in the corner just watching.

After glancing at her Nash punched me in the stomach.I fell to the the floor holding where he hit me.Kayleigh ran over to me and put one hand on my back and one hand on my arm.

He knocked the wind out of me and I was gasping for air.I started to catch my breath and got back up.Kayleigh's hands were still on me.I flinched and went to go attack Nash but she pulled me back.

"Please stop,Be the bigger person and Just walk out of here PLEASE"she asked as her eyes started to water.I looked at her and pulled out of her grasp and stormed out of the room.

I heard the door close behind me and I turned around.Kayleigh ran over to me hugged me tight.

"Don't worry about Nash he was just angry,I love you and that will never change.I wouldn't want to see a world with out you.If you moved back to North Carolina with your mom permanently I wouldn't know what I would do with my self"she said still hugging me while she cried.

I hugged her tighter as the tears stream down my face.Gosh I love her so much....



I know Nash and Hayes aren't actually like this but it all fake so...

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