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Hayes POV:

I slam my door shut behind me.Kayleigh said she wasn't ready for a relationship.She also told me she would tell me when she was.When I caught her kissing Matt it felt like my heart sank.She has been my crush forever and now I catch her with one of my best friends.

*knock knock*

"What"I said looking at the door.The door swung open."Hayes we need to talk"Kayleigh says playing with her fingers.

"Talk about what,How you said you would tell me when you are ready for a relationship but instead you kiss one of my best friends."I say in a stern tone."It's not like that"she yells pointing at the door.

"Oh really it's not like that,WHAT IS IT LIKE THEN"I yell back."We never meant for it to happen it just did"she said sternly."Oh it just happened?"I asked her."YA THE SAME WAY IT HAPPENED WITH YOU AND COURTNEY"She yelled.

"THATS DIFFERENT"I say rolling my eyes."How is that different"she asked crossing her arms."I didn't kiss her back"I shrugged."How do I know you didn't kiss her back what if your LYING TO ME"she asked with tears rolling down her face.

"How do I know your not lying to me"I asked yelling at her again."Because we are best friends and I know we never lie to each other"she said looking at the ground."Well then I guess we aren't best friends"I tell her."You honestly think I'm lying"she asked looking up at me.

"I don't even know what to believe"I say to her shaking my head."Then maybe we aren't best friends"she said standing by my bed."It seems that way doesn't it"I say to her.She looked at the ground."Can you please leave I would like to be alone for a while"I asked her.

She walked toward the door and I walk behind her.

Kay's POV:

I walked out Hayes's door and heard it close behind me.Did this really just happen?I leaned my back against the wall and slid down.

My knees were pulled up to my face and I just cried. I felt some one sit next to me and wrap there arm around me.I didn't care who it was I just felt comforted.I pull my head up and look straight forward.Turning my head I realized it was Matt comforting me the whole time.

"Are you okay?He asked me."No"I said starting to cry again.He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly."Come on let's go take a walk on the beach"He said holding out his hand.I put my hand in his and we walked downstairs.

"Where is everybody?"I asked him."I think they went to the skate park"he said."Wow even Maddi and Aaliyah"I said surprised.
"Ya they just wanted to get out of the house"Matt said and smiled.I grabbed my sandals and we walk down by where the water was and just talked.

"So I don't think Hayes and I are on very good speaking terms"I said looking at the ground."Don't worry he will come around,maybe he is just going through something "He said trying to make me feel better."Ya maybe"I said looking forward.

Matt and I looked at each other.He has the most beautiful hazel eyes.Next thing I knew we where kissing again.We pulled away and he spoke up.

"So um I know you just got out of a Relationship and all but would you like to go to the Santa Monica pier with me tomorrow night"he asked nervous. "Like on a date I don't think Cameron would like that?"I asked."If you want it to be! And we can just see how it goes and then we will tell Cameron"he said and smiled."Sure"I say and grab his hand interlocking our fingers.

Who do you want Kayleigh with?

Matthew or Hayes



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