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Kay's POV:

Hayes came walking out the door right behind us."what do you think you're doing I don't want you coming with us"I say shooting him a look."Listen Kay I know you're mad but I really need to talk to you"he said grabbing my wrist.I pulled away" what if I don't want to talk to you".

"Geez Kayleigh stop being so stubborn and just talk to the boy"Maddi snapped.I shoot her a look."Fine"I say.Hayes grabs my wrist again and pulls me over to the side of the house."what do you want"I asked.

"When I saw you kissing Matthew it felt like my heart sank.Kay you were my first crush and you always will be."Hayes said looking at me.I didn't say anything.

"Every day I think about how can I put a smile on your face all I want to do is protect you and be there for you"Hayes said going on.My eyes started to tear up. I've always had a crush on Hayes too but I couldn't admit it."I love how you care about me so much"I say laughing as a tear rolled down my eyes.

"I love you Kayleigh and I hope you can forgive me."he said wiping away my tears."of course I could forgive you I love you Hayes"I say and kiss him.We pulled away and smiled at each other.I interlocked our fingers and we walked back over to the car.

"Aww I told you they would get back together"Aaliyah said making a heart with her hands.Maddi laughed and got in the car.Hayes and I got in the backseat and I leaned my head on his shoulder.He kissed my four head and we drove to Starbucks.

I walked up to the counter and ordered.Hayes ordered the same thing.I took my wallet out of my purse and Hayes pushed me to the side. He gave the money to the lady and looked at me."Hey I wanted to pay"I said whining."well you were too slow"Hayes said and smiled at me.We stood at the counter and waited for our drinks."2 chocolate chip Frapuccino's"the lady called out.

Hayes and I grabbed our drinks and we went to go sit with Maddi and Aaliyah.There were only 3 seats so I sat on Aaliyah's lap."No your too heavy"she whined and pushed me off.I stood up and sat on Hayes's lap.I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

We got home and all the guys where on the couch.Matt looked up and saw that Hayes and I were holding hands then looked back down.I felt really bad for him.I knew he liked me and I like him but I'm in love with Hayes.

"So I'm guessing you guys are back together?"Nash said breaking me away from my thoughts."No we aren't"I said looking at him.Hayes shot me a look.

"What a girl can't hold hands with her best friend"I asked Nash.He looked down at the ground."Im just messing with you dumb dumb,we are back together."I say and laugh. "you did not just call me Dumb Dumb "he said getting up.

"What if I did"I say putting my stuff down."then I will do this"Nash said lifting me over his shoulder.He walked down by the water and carried me bridal style."if you drop me in the water I swear Nash"I say sternly. "Say I love you Nash and I won't drop you in the water"Nash says and smirks."Fine fine I love you Nash"I say to him."I love you to Kayleigh but..."Nash dropped me in the water.Cameron started laughing.

"Cameron want to know why you don't wear hoodies to the beach?"I asked him standing up."why"he asked looking at me.

"Because I can do this"I say and grab Cams hood pulling him back.Cam fell back into the water.Nash and I started laughing really hard.Hayes came out with towels and handed one to Cameron.

He unfolded mine and wrapped it around me.I smiled and kissed him while he hugged me for warmth.


Yay Kayleigh and Hayes are back together:)

I ship them can you guys come up with a ship name?

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