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Kayleigh's POV:

"I really don't feel to well."I told cameron.

"Do you need to go back to the doctor."he asked.I gave him the "Are you stupid"look.

"Are you nuts,I just got out of that prison"I said annoyed.

"Zayum Kay your so sassy"Cam said trying to make me laugh."Just shut up and get out your giving me a headache"I snapped.

"Fine"Cameron said hurt but people need to realize I'm hurt too.Mentally and physically.I miss my hayes and I'm just worried about him.

I pull the blankets over me and start to have flashbacks of the accident.

Shattered Glass.






I started crying about the horrible memory.My door opened and I pretended to be asleep.Someone uncovered me.

I kept my eyes closed.When I started to smell Abacrombi. I opened my eyes and shot up.

"HAYES"I yelled.He jumped startled."Damn I thought you were sleeping"He said taking a breath."I miss you so much"I say hugging him tight but he didn't hug me as tight as he usually does.

I pulled away."Whats wrong"I asked concerned."Umm can we go walk to the park and then I'll tell you."He asked."Uh sure just let me put shorts and a sweater on."I said getting up.

I changed out of my sweats and grabbed a pair of shorts.I grabbed Hayes tie-dye sweatshirt and put it on.Walking out of the Bathroom I run into someone and fall.

"Oh my gosh Kayleigh,are you okay?Im sorry"A guy said.I look up to see Matthew and smile."It's fine,it's my fault I wasn't paying attention"I said and laughed.I held out my hand and he pulled me up.

"So where are you going."he asked."Oh I'm going for a walk to the park with Hayes."I said and looked away.

"Oh okay we'll see you later"he said and walked away.I waved goodbye and walked to my room."you ready"I asked Hayes.He nodded and we left.

*10 minutes later at the park*

We sat on a park bench and Hayes looked at me."So what was it you needed to tell me"I asked.

"Listen you know I love you so and I would never want to hurt you but it's not my Fault."he said with his eyes watering.I gave him a confused look."My mom is making me move back To North Carolina in a few days so I can be away from Nash for awhile and Nash will stay here.Im sorry."He said putting his head in his Hands.

I stood up and started Backing away.Tears rolling down my face I looked at him and he looked back at me."Kayleigh I-"he began to say."Hayes I can't I'm sorry I just need some time alone"I said turning around and walking away.

He grabbed my arm and turned me around."Kayleigh this isn't my decision"he said looking me In the eyes."Please let me go I need some time to think."I said crying.

He kissed my cheek and I closed my eye letting the tears fall.I got out of his grip and started running.

I ran all the way home and I swung open the front door.All the guys were there and they all looked at me.I looked around at all of them and shook my head as I ran upstairs crying.







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