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Kay's POV:

For my party I was wearing a teal crop top with ripped skinny jeans.I finished curling my hair and placed it in front of my shoulders.Walking out of the bathroom I stopped and put on my teal Vans.

I walked over to my bed and texted Hayes.


To PooBear<3:

Hey are you done getting ready?

From PooBear:

Ya why?

To PooBear:

Im going to sneak over to your room!

From PooBear:

Ooo your going to get in trouble!Your mom said we had to stay in our rooms.


"Kay it's time for you to go get dressed,your guys birthday party is in 1 hour"mom says putting up streamers. "And you too Hayes"she added.

Hayes got up from the couch and pulled me up.I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Oh and stay upstairs when your done getting ready"mom yelled as we started to walk upstairs.

Hayes and I stopped walking.

"Wait why do we have to wait upstairs"Hayes asked.

"Shouldn't of asked that" I mumbled.

"Because I said so"mom said eyeing Hayes.

"Okay"we said as we ran upstairs laughing.

*end of flashback*

To PooBear:

I do what I want and besides she said not to go downstairs and I'm not!

From PooBear:


*end of convo*

I stood up and opened my door.I ran down the hall and opened Hayes's door.He was on his phone playing Jack and Jacks game "Let it Goat".

"Do you have any idea who's going to be at this party."I asked Hayes. "I have no Clue"he responded.

There was a knock on the door and we both said "come in".Maddi opened the door and said we can go down stairs.Hayes and I stood up.I put my hand in his and interlocked our fingers.He looked down and smiled at me as we walked out of his room.

Hayes POV:

Kayleigh and I stood up.She put her hand in mine and interlocked our fingers.I looked down and smiled at her.My hand was so big compared to hers.We walked out of my room and walked down stairs.The whole house was decorated.

"Wow this is awesome"Kayleigh mumbles."ya tonight will be fun"I smile.

*1 hour later*

There where a lot of people here including my ex girlfriend Courtney.I have know idea why she is here because I sure didn't invite her.I saw Cameron and went over to talk to him.

"Hey where's the girls"I asked him.

"umm,Aaliyah and Maddi went to go buy more soda and I don't know where my sister is"he explained to me.

"okay see you later"I said and walked away.

I was walking around the house looking for Kay when I bumped into someone.Out of the people at this party I had to bump

into Courtney.

"Oh hey Hayes"she said."Hi"I said and rolled my eyes. "Um so are you dating any one new"she asked me."uh ya I'm actually dating Kayleigh so..."I said feeling awkward."Oh the tramp"she mumbled."What did you say"I asked her.

"Oh nothing but I left your present in Nichole's car.Will you come get it with me"she asked. I wanted to say no but she was already dragging me out the door .we walked over to her car and she stopped."I still have feelings for you Hayes"she said facing the car."Well I'm sorry I'm dating Kayleigh"I say to her. She turned to me and kissed me but I didn't kiss her back.

"Hayes"Kay says with tears running down her face."Kayleigh it's not what it looks like,she kissed me but I didn't kiss her back"I explained to her.I went over to wipe her tears but she backed away from me."Kayleigh"I said with a raspy voice. "I'm sorry Hayes but I can't,I just need time alone right know"she said and ran down the road.

I turned around and saw Maddi and Aaliyah. "What was that!"Aaliyah yelled."Wait you saw that"I asked them.They nodded.We all walked up to Courtney."Are you happy now you made my girlfriend run away"I yelled at her.

"What ever it takes to make the tramp jealous"she mumbled."I want you out of my house"I yelled at her.She rolled her eyes and left.

I started looking for Cameron to tell him about Kay.I was really worried about her because it was dark out side and I have know idea where she went.

"CAMERON"I yelled when I found him."What's wrong"he asked concerned.I told him the whole story and that she ran away. Cameron grabbed all the Magcon guys,Maddi,Aaliyah, and I.We walked out the door and started looking for Kayleigh.


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